Comments on: “The church that celebrates the birth of Christ on December 25 is heretic.” – Chief Pastor Joo Choel Kim An in depth look at the World Mission Society Church of God Wed, 22 Apr 2020 05:48:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Melissa Guzman Mon, 17 Dec 2018 14:28:29 +0000 In reply to Jagadish.

Excuse me sir, but WMSCOG is not from the devil. Your understanding from reading Romans 6:9 is incorrect. So please, read the Bible more so you can understand. And we, World Mission Society Church of God, we believe in God the Mother who is testified in the Bible. Galatians 4:26, Genesis 1:26. Genesis 1:26~ When we see God create mankind, God did not say, “Let Me make man in my image,” or “Let there be man.” God clearly said, “Let Us make man in Our image, and in our likeness.” But people think the “Us” means thew trinity or the angels. But it’s not. Because if the angels formed Man in their own image and likeness, angels would pop out. And if it was the trinity, okay wait hold up. Actually the trinity are not all 3 different men. They are the same. It’s the same God. It’s just he came to this Earth with 3 different names- for the 6,000 year work for redemption. Jehovah was the name of the savior in the age of the Father, Jesus was the saviors name in the age of the Son, and Christ Ahnsahnghong, was the Savior for the age of the Holy Spirit, which is in this age but he already came. And that was his second coming. He was born in 1918. And when he was baptized in 1948, as the parable of the Fig Tree was fulfilled ( When Jesus cursed the Fig Tree which was a parable). The fulfillment of the Fig Tree in 1948 was when Israel became it’s own independent state- which is when Christ Ahnsahnghong was baptized and began the gospel work. SO since Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming Christ, he already fulfilled his Second Coming. So very soon, very very soon, God will come and bring judgement on the Earth and will take his Children back to the kingdom of Heaven. So that is why our Church is called ” World Mission Society Church of God” because we are trying to save the world and have everyone believe and obey God the Father and God the Mother and keep the Passover- and all of God’s feasts and truths so that we may all enter the Kingdom of Heaven. but people persecute us because the same exact prophecy is being fulfilled, the same prophecy that God’s children will be persecuted because of his name. As Jesus was persecuted in his 1st coming along with his followers, when he comes a 2nd time, he will be persecuted and so will his followers- the Ones who will be saved in the last day- be persecuted. Thank you.

By: antipas Mon, 06 Jul 2015 06:59:38 +0000 @T H. Just wondering. Did we find out whether Heavenly Mother passed away? I think she did actually. But it’s not acknowledged openly by the church. (it’s still covered up, hidden secret).

By: the shout of joshua Mon, 06 Jul 2015 06:49:26 +0000 It’s true, WMSCOG doesn’t want their members to go on the Internet. the free speak on the net cannot be controlled. and members do leave the church as a result. i’ve heard that some churches have even gone as far as saying that there is an evil spirit in the Internet. But come on, let’s not be deceived by such words.i think it’s just the control of the church talking.

By: T.H. Mon, 29 Jun 2015 14:55:03 +0000 Paul, I don’t care how you find your information as long as you do your own outside research. What I mean by outside research is that you get out from under the influence of the group so that you can discover things for yourself. So far it appears that you have been letting this group tell you what is right and what you should believe. You are not unlike many who have posted here before you so don’t feel bad. I’m afraid that most of you have never taken the time and effort outside of this group to discover if what you have been taught is the truth or not. Unfortunately most people just get spoon fed this doctrine and never take the time to learn what this group is really about before they devote their lives to it out of blind ambition. It works out great for the group controlling the individual but for the person giving up their lives for months even years it’s not advantageous. Take the time to do the research and don’t let anyone interrupt it! I don’t care where you get the information from just make sure it is credible and NOT from the group that has an interest in keeping you under their control.

By: paul Vijay Tue, 23 Jun 2015 09:06:22 +0000 Internet is not the way to realise truth.. The bible is the only way.. Internet are danger.. Satan’s weapon… Only through the bible we can see god brothers.. So please come to our church.. See the God’s word instead of Satan’s word’s in net..

By: paul Vijay Tue, 23 Jun 2015 09:01:52 +0000 Aahnsahnhong is the holy almighty god who came in flesh as per bible prophecy. Very danger brothers.. Don’t even say a word against wmscog.. Firstly come to our church without hesitation brother. Hear the prophecy.. Realise the truth.. Then say anything as you wish for your fate.. Very danger to speak Against the holy spirit.. Because the words against holy spirit never forgive.. So please brother.. See the prophecy .. Come to our church. Spent just 1hour in your whole life.. Instead of wasting your time on replying against me come to our church save the time for your soul..

By: Renita Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:41:33 +0000 In reply to Elohist C.

Right. It’s odd that people can understand the idea of PO moving around on our calendar but not Ahn’s Bday.

The church that celebrates the birth of Christ on the 25th of December is a heretic… What is the context of this sentence? This is talking about Jesus, the Christ in His 1st coming. This is also the conclusion of all the evidence available that shows 12/25 as Jesus’ birthday (every year) has pagan roots. Meaning, this celebration did not come from God.

Why didn’t Zahng tell GP not to write that sentence?….. Because it’s fine the way it’s written. Just like the WMSCOG does rather often, that sentence was taken out of context. 12/25 is not the birthday of Ahn. Ahn birthday fell on 12/25. Being that Americans use the Gregorian calendar, it isn’t alarming to hear member’s say, 12/25 is Ahn’s coming day! But that only applies when it lands on that day. This year, 2014, one cannot say 12/25 is Ahn’s coming day. (Why?? They said it in 2011!) Because it doesn’t fall on 12/25 this year.

This article, IMNSHO, is no good.

By: Johnson Mon, 10 Feb 2014 08:32:05 +0000 In reply to admin.

I watched most of your videos and stuff but see it never convinced me atall… Before criticizing the true church, Why don’t you prove Yourself true christian based on the Holy bible, rather than perishing man’s standards.

By: jaypee Tue, 07 Jan 2014 19:00:44 +0000 In reply to fromphil.

then why the hell your leader tells this so?

By: ArchAngel Michael Sun, 14 Jul 2013 01:01:36 +0000 In reply to think abt it.

He’s Jesus, of course he was there.
