This article was submitted by a former deacon of the WMSCOG.The World Mission Society Church of God claims that the truth of the early church has been lost and needs to be restored in the last days through their church. The!-->!-->!-->!-->… Read More...
This article was submitted by a former deacon of the WMSCOG.When I was a member of the World Mission Society Church of God, one verse in their doctrine was a pillar of my faith; Isaiah 25:6 (additional verses included for!-->!-->!-->… Read More...
In defending their claims that Ahnsahnghong is divine, members of the World Mission Society Church of God have argued (as noted on numerous sites such as here, here or here) that Ahnsahnghong "revealed the secret of the 7 thunders". !-->… Read More...
According to the World Mission Society Church of God, the Roman Emperor Constantine abolished the Sabbath in 321 A.D at the First Council of Nicea. On the official USA site, the WMSCOG quotes Constantine as stating, "All judges,!-->!-->!-->… Read More...
In a Bible study that I attended at the World Mission Society Church of God called "Clean and Unclean Animals", I was taught that ZhangGilJah represents the heifer being sacrificed in Numbers 19. After discovering that the!-->!-->!-->… Read More...
The World Mission Society Church of God believes that Zahng Gil Jah is both the "mother" and "bride" described in the Bible. How does the WMSCOG arrive at this conclusion? How do WMSCOG recruiters present this conclusion to!-->… Read More...
The World Mission Society Church of God teaches that observance of the Sabbath is required for salvation and celebrates the Sabbath from approximately 9 am until 10 pm on Saturday (yes that's 13 hours in church every Saturday if you're!-->… Read More...
I've heard a lot of World Mission Society Church Of God members claim that "Ahn Sahng Hong had to preach the gospel for 37 years in order to fulfill the Prophecy of King David's throne". Let's take a closer look at this claim.