Was Ahn Sahng Hong The Last Adam?
In an online sermon, “The Sabbath and God the Creator” the World Mission Society Church Of God claims that Ahn Sahng Hong is the last Adam described in Romans 5:12-14.
Jesus who is to come at the end of the age, that is, the Second Coming Jesus…Therefore, through the first man Adam, we can recognize God our Father who is to come as the Last Adam.
It is interesting to note that they only cite Romans 5:12-14 because if you read (in context) on to verse 15, the Bible clearly describes Jesus as the last Adam. The WMSCOG also believes that Zahng Gil Jah, or “mother” as members refer to her, is the last Eve.
Eve, called the ‘mother of all the living’ (Ge 3:20), represents our Heavenly Mother who is to appear at the end of the age in order to give us eternal life…together with the Second Coming Jesus—the Last Adam.
Who Does Ahn Sahng Hong Say Are The Last Adam And Last Eve?
On p. 50 of his book titled “Visitors From The Angelic World”, Ahn Sahng Hong writes:
Adam represents Jesus, and Eve the angels whom he loved in the angelic world before the earth was created.
On p. 55 of his book titled “Visitors From The Angelic World”, Ahn Sahng Hong writes:
Thus, Jesus is the last Adam, and the saints who are redeemed can be called the last Eve.
If Ahn Sahng Hong says that Jesus is the last Adam and the church is the last Eve, then why does the WMSCOG teach the contrary? If WMSCOG members believe Ahn Sahng Hong to be their “god”, then why do they preach something that completely contradicts what he wrote in his own books?
Ahn Sahng Hong never claimed to be Jesus. Since the WMSCOG preaches things contrary to what their founder Ahnsahnghong wrote, this must mean that the WMSCOG changed their teachings over time. Any WMSCOG member who would like to comment or clarify may do so by commenting below, or in our forum.
While I was reading your writings , I thought that I should to tell you this verse.
Matthew 22:29 ” Jesus replied, ” You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God “
Hi Reina,
That is a great verse. Can you please be more specific about which verses you believe I am in interpreting in error? I would like this dialogue to be constructive.
Thank you.
I am a member, who by the grace of GOD, received my spiritual senses after partaking in Father And Mother’s feasts with faith was revealed by AHN SAHNG-HONG Himself that he is the Holy Spirit who blessed us with the restored passover of the New Covenant with Bread and Wine in the order of Melchizedek fulfilled the mission of the Prophet Elijah by restoring all things of spiritual significance (passover, sabbath, feasts) as well as John the Baptist by giving us the name of the Holy Spirit to fulfill Matthew 28:18 therefore prepared the way for the second coming who was born in 1987 thus fulfilling his two prophecies 1988 is a miscalculation 1948 is the first year counted which is the same as when he said the second coming will come 3years after he ascended. With1985 being the first year counted 85, 86, 87 the same year as the first prophecy stated.