Trump against WMSCOG

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  • #8094

    Obviously everyone knows what wmscog is trying to do. They misinterpret the Bible teaching to deceive the weak. They bribe the evil government to cover up their lies in order to make zhang look like God the mother.

    Since Trump got elected as president its time for a change! Let’s all join forces and write in to Trump to stop this WMSCOG evil cult organisation once and for all and save all our loved ones! Dear saviour Lord Jesus Christ please bring our loved ones back amen

  • #73401


    The government does need to get involved. Their lies need to be exposed and they need to be stopped.



    I believe the WMS had the church believing Hillary would win.. Cause mother said so.. And woman are on the rise so to speak.. Not clear on that but I heard something of that nature



    Warrior queen, I’m a deep researcher on the illuminati and I truly understand what the world is going through. Media feeds us with lies over lies making people very stupid and blind. Trump, Vladimir putin China Philippines are all sick and tired of the elite bankers controlling the world. People like rothschild rockefeller are the real ruler on earth. Trump exposed them in media saying his sick and tired of all the inside jobs of the illuminati clan. Don’t believe me? Do your research and tell me if I’m wrong. Wmscog are scared. They are really scared. Once Trump step in all the these corruption would be to put to a stop once and for all. Any suggestion how do we feedback this issue to Trump in the future? I’m currently stationed in Singapore and its hard for me to get in touch. If u guys really love the people who are trapped in the cult, please do something. Take action. Once wmscog are exposed all their cover up stories and bribery to the government will be exposed and people from wmscog will wake up. They are all now in a very deep sleep



    Btw just for your info guys, wmscog is highly associated with the evil government of the united states. If united states government truly care for its people, they would’ve done something long time ago. Why is this going on and on and no one is stopping? Do your homework on the evil government illuminati. Anyone who tries to reveal truth gets assassinated by the illuminati members for example John F Kennedy, Luther King, Michael Jackson, Abraham Lincoln etc



    I won’t be able to buy wmscog’s bs. As long as the organisation is making money for the government they are fine with whoever you are worshipping. Go ahead and worship mother and ang sahng Hong. Anything with profits they welcome u to continue whatever you’re doing and they will happily rewrite history for u to make up a great coincidental story for u. I really hope Trump can do something about this. Look at AJ NowThis on Facebook they are trying to defame Trump so bad. They are doing everything they can to make Trump look bad because the elites are scared. Trump is revealing too much secret the elites are doing. Everything happens for a reason. I believe God put me with my gf so that I can save her soul. That’s my mission and I hope someone out there one day can assist me with doing whatever we can to stop this cult from deceiving more and more lives.



    Sadai, Trump couldn't care less about the predicament with the Wmscog.  He doesn't even know about them, I'm sure of that.  We can't count on the government to do anything about the Wmscog.  If Hillary Clinton had been elected, we couldn't have counted on her to do anything about this group either.  Scientology has been allowed to exist and get tax exemption under both Republican and Democratic presidencies. No political party or president has stopped that cult, and it has more visibility and obvious violations of human rights than Wmscog (which cleverly hides what it does).  We can't depend on our government or any president to do what has to be done with this group. I think we have to do something ourselves.  And many of us are.  A united front would be better, though.  We are scattered all over and not organized in our efforts.  That is the problem.  Visibility is important and the Today show exposure did a lot for our cause.  The interview with Johnny Powers by Ronan Farrow was excellent as well.  Anyone who views that can pick it apart.  But we need more. 



    I hope I didn't discourage people by posting my opinion that the elections won't help us in our fight to expose the WMSCOG.  I just know, after over seven years of struggling with this that we have to take this on ourselves.  I really feel we must keep trying to expose them instead of letting them go underground, unchallenged, like a cancer that has not been diagnosed yet.  In this case, treatment is exposure.


    Ms Freedom

    A cult has to get to an illegal level (sexual abuse against minors, physical abuse, tax evasion, etc) for them to come up on the radar. If you remember back to the Camp Davidican in Waco, TX, it was reported to the local authorities that minor girls were being sexually abused by the leader and other men. It eventually made its way to the FBI who sent in forces. That disaster occured under President Clinton's presidency and he and Janet Reno were massacured in the press for interfering with this group's "belief system." Governments stay away from sticky "religious" situations – as long as they are not blowing people up or committing criminal acts, Trump won't care.  

    The bottom line is – if you want to make something happen, you need to do it yourself. Maybe reporting that they are arranging marriages and bringing Korean women into the United States would be a place to start. If you dig deep, this is a crime because the immigration board has criteria for immigrants – and WMSCOG's support of this could be called into question. A marriage needs to meet certain criteria including: do they speak the same language, how long did they date, does the family know about the marriage, where was the wedding, were family members invited. If suspected of hiding, these marriages could be deemed a fraud. As we all know the WMSCOG has members hide these marriages from families which is only one of serveral criteria they are not meeting.

    Dig for proof and expose them. – It's the only way. But then be prepared… your loved one still may not come out. There are still living members of the Branch Davidican who still believe David Koresh is the Massiah, even after everything that occured!



    Ms. Freedom, you brought up a thought:  Since Trump was elected and his admin is so against people coming into the State illegally, there might actually be some interest in the arranged marriages.  These marriages most definitely do occur in the Wmscog, according to many people whose sons or daughters were married to Koreans they really didn't know.  Some were simply pointed to a Korean girl (or man) and told, "Mother will bless you if you marry this one."  That is according to what I've heard from others, and from what others have seen, it appears to be true.  The people who marry these Koreans most definitely hide it from their family, and families, of course, aren't invited to these marriage ceremonies, from what I hear.  Also, they often seem to happen after a member visits Korea to see "Mother God."  I have the idea that they are told to hide these marriages from family members so that they don't know they are arranged.  I know of someone who is very apparently doing that.  More than one has done that, actually.

    My husband saw a guy whom we know was in one of these arranged marriages.  He sure didn't seem happy.  He was, according to his former girlfriend, told to marry a Korean woman he didn't ever date, withing one week of breaking up with his non member girlfriend.  He and this Korean were married within a month.  Asked by his former girlfriend if he was happy, he said, "The Mother will bless us."  His former girlfriend took that as a "NO."  Someone I know saw him and his new wife run into each other in a church hallway, literally.  They looked at each other, didn't say a word, and just kept on walking opposite directions.  No smile, no pleasantries exchanged.  Hmmmm……..kind of wierd, no?



    Honestly, what can Trump do?

    He’s as weak and worthless as any looser that can’t even run as a proper president. He says he’s going to make america great again, but has not made any REAL changes. The only way to stop the WMSCOG is to expose the truth. Yet, I doubt it will make any success because many more people will be deceived and not all will want to be saved.



    Two things I cannot stand. Trump and the wmscog. Both are idiotic. We don’t need him we need people who are actually ex members to keep speaking out on google reviews. Post flyers, etc. Making videos actually help.


    Just because Obama gave them an award for volunteer service doesnt mean anything. Later you may here of Trump doing the same thing. His following is also very cult like. Search #cult45 on Twitter. A lot of similarities to the wmscog and other cults such as

    • The world is against us
    • Don’t trust the media/ internet


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