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  • #6794

    Recently I spoke with a former member. As with most former members he was very unhappy with how he had been mislead by the WMSCOG. Instead of sulking or hiding in a corner he started researching the psychological practices and indoctrination of the WMSCOG. It turns out that one of the terms they use is, “God Bless You.” I later found out that members are expected not to say thank you to one another because you don’t want your reward here on Earth but in Heaven. Instead they say God Bless You. This respectable Christian term of endearment is being used as a trigger to reset members minds into this groups thought process and teachings. I know this to be true because my loved one was constantly being called at all times of the day and night by other members. They would start their conversations with this and end with this. My loved on would not be the same after these conversations.Check this out for yourself. If you’re a member document very carefully how many times you hear this and ask yourself why? It’s a tool used for mind control. Do some research. You’ll see for yourself.

  • #43470


    Simon wrote:

    "In a sooner time" who else heard that one?

     it hurts my brain a little.  that may be on purpose; not sure.

    Changing words changes the thought processes in the brain.  The first goal is to create a new reality.  Using another group, wife = rib.  Thus, convincing a wife to leave her husband for a stronger believer is done in such a way as to avoid the topic of divorce altogether!  She will simply become a new "rib" of a new "Adam".  Very cleverly done to avoid critical thought on the matter.

    In conjunction with this is to move incoming information down in the brain operations from critical thought to quick in/out as possible.  Think of the voyeur scams at the McDonalds in which a caller pretends to be the police (an authority figure), and to make the story quick, an employee is accused of stealing and the manager needs to perform a few things while the "cop" is on his way.  This scam gets its victims to strip, dance, do jumping jacks, and – sadly – perform oral sex too (the accused on the manager).  The scam has been successful over 100 times and in way too many States to be "just stupid people" falling for it.  Why?  Mainly because McDonalds employees are trained not to think but to ask "how may I help you?". 

    Memory develops in the same area of the brain in which critical thinking occurs.  This is why many victims of thought reform have memory problems (along with an over focus on the "now"(I'll discuss if anyone requests), de facto shutting down past (memories & experiences we rely on as part of normal learning) & future).



    I just wanted to bump this so some of the newer people to our forum could read and comment on this. For over two years now I have been bringing you the light and I am happy to say that many have seen it. Even as you read this post you might see how God has reached some of those that might have otherwise been lost.



    Joshua wrote:

    Christians don't use it the same way. Judge for yourself.

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    I agree, Joshua. The use of GBU(in this case 'god' bless you) is not the same as in other Christian churches, at least not from my experience. In the case of Wmscog, it was used for just about anything they wanted it to mean – thank you, hello, good evening, good night,  I'm tired, I'm hungry…. You get my point. Everyone appeared to be controlled by these three words. In fact, the more I said it, the more I felt like I truly belonged to the clan. Today, when someone says GBU, it makes me pause for a minute, as in which God they are referring to. To sum it up, it had a way of controlling even people’s mannerisms, which inadvertently appeared phony. Another word used in an odd way was "Amen." As someone mentioned earlier, instead of the calm 'Amen' it is instead 'Ahh-men!'



    If I hear "thank you" one more time, I think I'm going to puke!



    Upset Mom wrote:

    If I hear "thank you" one more time, I think I'm going to puke!

    For Asians, is part of their tradition to vow and be thankful about just anything. Its part of their culture and members have embrace it here in this generation because God is now  Korean and those are part of God's culture. Believe me guys, I asked the question and that was the answer I received from the members… 

    @Upset Mon, you must be thankful even when you puke, that's according with their beliefs and traditions. They have implanted that same way of saying GBU for everything they say and do, that is being hypocritical, in my opinion. They don't mean to be thankful, they are just repeating a set of words to be aligned and in accordance with the rest of the members. 

    GBU is clearly a form of mental submission.  In Frank Underwood's voice, "Be thankful that you're breathing because God gave you the gift of life and the chance to breath; so you must thank him every time you take one sip of oxygen, or else, he would be so angry at you that he would punish you very hard and would not allow you to achieve eternal salvation from this horrendous and pathetic life you're living here on Earth." 



    Isn't it sad that the wmscog could convince you that life is so horrible?  It's a gift, and you should be thankful, but it's horrible at the same time?  So you should say thank you for a horrible gift with almost every breath you take?  And out of fear of losing your salvation, not because you really like the horrible gift?   Seems very insincere.   

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