Tithing According to Joo Cheol Kim


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  • #6912

    When I was a member I always felt that there was a lot of emphasis on tithing and offerings.  But what does the WMSCOG literature actually say about tithing and it's importance?  I was reading "My Sheep Listen To My Voice" by WMSCOG general pastor Joo Cheol Kim, and I came across a few quotes that I would like to share with everyone.  Here they are (emphasis mine):

    • "He [God] only wants us to be saved.  God has given us the law of tithe so that we may always put our hope in heaven."  My Sheep Listen To My Voice p. 291

    So money = hope???  Too bad for all of those poor people huh?  I guess they are just outta luck and don't have any "hope in heaven".

    • "Tithe is a minimum rent to be paid to God in this world."  My Sheep Listen To My Voice p. 297

    Where does it say that in the Bible???

    • "God has commanded us to offer a tenth of all that we earn, so that we may serve only God and not belong to the devil who has power over this world."  My Sheep Listen To My Voice p. 299

    So if you don't tithe you belong to the devil???

    • "Tithing is an important law through which those who turn away from God can return to Him."  My Sheep Listen To My Voice p. 305

    So you can pay your way back to God if you leave the church???  Where is that in the Bible???

  • #47014


    Yes we cannot have man made traditions at WMSCOG at all! If it even looks like manmade tradition its straight to hell with you right? ( ;



    genny wrote:

    Yes, I was hoping for a few more scripture references.  I'll have to look those up myself.

    By the way, I do believe in tithing and giving to the church, but not that it is a requirement to go to heaven.

    And this article makes it sound like the way churches tithe today (including the wmscog) is more of a tradition than a Biblical command.  (And we know how much the wmscog hates following man's traditions, right?)


    hi, Genny maybe this will help:


    Their Fabricated Tithing Doctrine


    This is the big daddy. This is their sacred cow. This is the beating heart of their evil empire. The crown jewel. The Death Star. The one ring to bill them all. The pot of gold. Their matrix (into which they want to plug you). Their Wizard of Oz. Their magic spell. Their special power. Their secret recipe with the eleven herbs and spices. Their Golden Goose. The very air upon which they breathe!


    Question this doctrine and watch these money hungry pastors bare their fangs. This is a teaching that they will bear no compromise on. Tithing, or at least their own version of tithing, is their one true love.


    Here are some bullet points about tithing that these money hungry pastors don't want you to know:


    The New Testament Church did not tithe.

    The New Testament does not teach tithing for Christians.

    Their favorite Malachi verses cannot be used for Christians since Christians are not under the law of Moses.

    Abraham's one off tithe of his war booty did not set up a precedent for Christians to regularly tithe their income.

    The version of tithing they teach cannot be found in Scripture (see below).

    The "Storehouse" in Malachi cannot be equated to your local church organization.

    There are plenty of rich (money wise) Christians who do not tithe. This would be impossible if their version of tithing was true.

    The New Testament teaching is that you decide how much to give, and there are no rules about where it goes. You cannot be compelled to give.


    It may come as a surprise to learn that their tithing doctrine is a combination of twisted scriptures and wishful thinking, as opposed to solid Biblical exegesis reflecting a central thrust of New Testament teaching. Here is their tithing doctrine stated in a nutshell:


    "Christians must give ten percent of their gross income only to their church organization. If they do, then God will bless them for any offerings they make to the church organization beyond this ten percent. But if they do not give ten percent gross, then they are stealing from God and God will curse them."


    There are variations of this teaching, and sometimes it is called a "principle", but the above definition contains the core essence of this doctrine.


    It is vital to grasp that tithing is not for Christians. Tithing was part of the old law (of Moses) which was fulfilled (completed) by Jesus. You know that Christians are not under the law of Moses don't you?


    But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. – Romans 7:6


    know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified. – Galatians 2:16


    All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law." – Galatians 3:10


    New wine should not be put into old wine skins, nor should new unshrunk cloth be used to patch an old garment; if you think you need to obey the law of tithing then you need to obey the whole law (or you will be cursed, Galatians 3:10).


    What is more, this tithing doctrine they teach isn't found in either the New or Old Testament. Tithing in the old testament does not match what these pastors preach – this unique tithe teaching is of their own invention.


    This is such an important subject that Cultwatch has a special website TithingDebate.com dedicated to setting Christians free from this fake doctrine. There are free books to download and articles to read. Make sure you read our article "Should you give? New Testament Giving Supported!", because Cultwatch is not anti-giving. If you think tithing is for Christians today, then you need to read TithingDebate.com


    Tip: If you are struggling to feed your family or buy them clothes, then understand that you do not need to give to the church. You can still do so if you choose, but you should not feel under compulsion since your family is more important. Also understand that if you are poor then that does not mean God is cursing you, or that you have done something wrong; this is an erroneous teaching these greedy men promote to guilt you into giving. Remember, your duty is to your family first. If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. – 1 Timothy 5:8


    Tip: Churches that push this erroneous tithing doctrine will often try to enforce tithing via written agreements (called covenants), and also by monitoring what people give (so they can compel them to give more if they are not meeting the ten percent target). First, grasp that these "covenants" are illegitimate and not worth the paper they are printed on, because they contain false doctrine (like tithing) and set up the pastors as a false authority over you. God would not be party to a covenant that contains falsehoods, therefore God was not party to the covenant you were pressured to sign, therefore you are free from this burden. It is as if you never signed it. Second, recording what you give and using that information to pressure you to give more is wrong, the Bible implies that our giving is best done in secret so that only we and God know what we gave. Don't go to a church where they monitor what you give. (note: some churches voluntarily let you record what you have given via a numbered envelope system for tax purposes. Done correctly, no one in the church will know what you gave. There is nothing wrong with this kind of recording.)


    Your Counter Strategy: Stop giving to that church until they change their ways. That doesn't mean to stop giving to Godly works, we would encourage you to give as the Holy Spirit prompts you and as you decide. But it is valid to protest false doctrine by refusing to fund the system that promotes that false doctrine.



    The Carrot and the Stick


    These pastors are not only money hungry, but often power hungry too. They want to be both pastor and master. They commit the sin of the Pharisees and appoint themselves as middle men between God and you. They seek to replace the Holy Spirit in your life. They "lord it over" their flocks. Read Cultwatch's articles on the "Super Apostles" here if you want to find out more.


    Using the connection they claim to have with God they threaten you with the stick of spiritual curses if you disobey them, and dangle the carrot of spiritual blessings if you comply. They seek to dominate your life; often implying that they have say in where you work, where you fellowship, who you marry, and of course, when, where, and how much you should give.


    This is a false spiritual authority not supported by Scripture. In fact I believe it to be quite devilish (the desire to control and dominate others).


    In these pastor's prosperity teaching, obeying the pastor and giving money are the two pillars necessary for a successful Christian life. If you sit back and think about it, you will quickly see what a con it is.


    These men want to be at the head of everything, they want to dominate you, they want to be seen as the big man, and some even secretly desire adoration (almost worship). This is the opposite of true Christian leadership:


    Also a dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest. Jesus said to them, "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves. – Luke 22:24-27


    I call God as my witness that it was in order to spare you that I did not return to Corinth. Not that we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, because it is by faith you stand firm. – 2 Corinthians 1:23-24


    Jesus called them together and said, "You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. – Mark 10:42-44


    Threatening people with curses if they do not obey or donate is spiritual extortion. It is contrary to the nature of grace and the person of Jesus.


    Your Counter Strategy: Don't be afraid of these men. Ignore their bluster. Grow a backbone and stand up to them. And if you give, then give to honor God and not out of fear of punishment or greed for financial gain. Memorize this verse: Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:7





    I believe many church goers would be shocked if they could comprehend the real attitude their pastor has towards them. From my experience with both the cults and these money focused churches, it is my impression that instead of being looked upon with love, these pastors see their congregation as farm animals to be milked.


    It is my prayer that this article will set you free from this kind of spiritual bondage. I hope now you will be able to spot this counterfeit Christian life and be able to transition into a closer walk with Jesus; a walk built on love, trust and grace, not fear.


    To summarize what we have learnt about the methods money hungry pastors use to feed off their flock: We discovered the multilevel marketing pattern that these often ex-salesmen (not theologians) model their churches. We examined some of the products they sell into their captive market like books and DVDs. We unhyped the hyped conferences, and exposed the christian speaking circuit. Next we talked about how spiritually dishonest pastors set up their own businesses that their followers are expected to patronize. After that came the scam of "honoring the pastor" with gifts of luxury items. We delved into the high pressure offering mini-sermons that are designed to guilt people into giving. We examined how most of the money gained is used to build the pastor's modern day cathedrals, projects that their fragile egos demand. We exposed the scam of siphoning the church's cash into properties and assets owned by the pastor. We covered the obvious points of excessive wages and extravagant perks, and that was followed by the not so obvious problem of nepotism. Their big daddy came second to last – their fabricated tithing doctrine was exposed for what it is, a fraud. Finally we discussed the spiritual carrot and stick of the false authority that the pastors claim.


    There are other methods these guys use to extract money from churches. Revisit this article regularly to discover these methods in future updates.


    Realize that a number of churches follow the patterns that this article exposes. However there are many good churches who do not practice these methods. If you have been hurt by these practices then feel free to give up on these twisted money-focused environments, but please do not give up on Jesus.


    Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God. – 2 Corinthians 2:17. Therefore, can we conclude that men who peddle the word of God for profit are not sent from God?

    Feel free to think this one through for yourself.




    Please link to this article, and email the link to your friends and family. Help us get the word out there.


    CW Article Version 1.2



     "Matthew 22:21 : So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s."

    Most WMSGOG will pull that when you asked about tithing, basicaly the logic is what you own is given by God, Thus it is your duty to repay mama god.



    Now they quote Ahn by saying "Tithing is the stairway to heaven" also in O.C church the pastor said, if you bring someone and they miss service or dont tithe, you should tithe for them so they dont recieve a curse…

    During the last month of me going, they started making a huge deal about tithes. They even switched up the melchizedak study to imply just as abraham gave mel a tenth after recieving bread n wine, we can only assume the disciples did the same on the passover…so therefore we must tithe or passover is meaningless.

    Its nuts.



    genny wrote:

    Just read this article about tithing and thought I'd pass it on:


     What a brilliant and interesting article. This would raise so many interesting points about "tithing" to the korean melchizedek.



    I have a question regarding tithing and offerings?


    Whats the difference and why is it done at all three Saturday services…. Other than to just collect as much cash as possible, asking people to prepare three envelopes is just odd to me.


    This was honestly one of the major concerns I had… I told my loved one, I simply couldn't afford giving 10% of my income to the attend this type of church. I live beyond my means already- if I gave away several hundred dollars a month, I'd literally lose my house.



    Tithing is done once during the sabbath, it's usually an envelope with the members name or life number on it.

    10 percent of what you made during the week goes in that one and is handed in for the first morning service.

    Free will offering is a blue envelope with Korean writing on it, that is there for all 3 services. It's money that is supposed to be used for church costs/opening new churches/trips/events.

    I've never seen a member not give a free will offering. 

    If you are a member you give 4 envelopes on a sabbath.  3 freewill and one Tithe.

    Tithing is important here, if you miss a tithe, or don't tithe what you are supposed to be, you will be called out by leadership about it, either in private or during a public group rebuke.

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