They Never Predicted the End of the World

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  • #6851

    This comment was originally posted by WMS brother on The WMSCOG's Failed Doomsday Predictions of 1988, 1999, and 2012. What Will They Predict Next? and moved here for further discussion:

    1. That Facebook post is not an official announcement from General Pastor, or Heavenly Mother.

    2. That Blog is not an official announcement from General Pastor, or Heavenly Mother.

    3. The Court Case findings were not an official testimony from General Pastor, or Heavenly Mother.

    *In fact, it plainly says that the findings were the testimony of family members, and a survey of the general assembly. Not an actual statement by the lead office.


    Now… Some people might have said some dumb things along the way. This same event happened even right after the death of Jesus in his own church (gal 1:6). And so it is imperative that we return to the correct gospel. There was a huge stack of books Ahn-Sahng-Hong left behind that took years to thoroughly read, translate, and distribute to us.

    Which is exactly why your missing one gigantic point:

    *It is testified that god himself must re-appear and rebuild Zion before the last day, because it has been destroyed after the death of the apostles.

    That’s a big study to swallow, but this verse is a lot more direct: "All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast" (rev 13:8)

    There is a biblical event which -must- happen, in order for you to learn the truth in the last days. Otherwise you will continue to worship the beast just as God testifies everyone has been doing all along. There is no exception to the above verse, there are only those who are saved by the grace of god, in the manner through which God has described.

    To conclude:

    There is, in fact, only one church in the entire world, which follows -all- of the instructions of Jesus and the Apostles, without neglecting any of them.

  • #46029


    Thank you mountain mom. I know it will eventually be ok. I will put your friend in prayer. All we can do is pray and allow God to work in favour of all those that have been spiritually raped by this organization. Thank you again.



    Those behind the scene at wmscog do not have respect for God. For all we know, they may be idol worshippers behind closed doors. Think about it, why would a true follower of Jesus Christ make up such a dangerous mind control spiritual manual, except if they aren’t real in the first place. They do not know or believe God’s word or they would not have made a mockery out of it.

    They know we are telling the gospel truth, but like their spiritual master they will not own up to it. We are all from different parts of the world and states, yet, our stories are similar in peculiar ways.



    You are blessed, Eli. Thank you. The journey begins.



    A mobster who clearly kills people, yet, refuses to kill children is still a murderer – period. Wmscog has negatively impacted a lot of lives. There are no if, and, or buts about it.



    Can you site a negative particular experience for the Sarah? It helps people here compare notes and see the differences in wmscog teachings.



    How do I go on from here? Who do I pray to in times of trouble, in times of hardships? I, like many others who have left this religious mind-control cult, am DONE WITH RELIGION! I am so angry! I don't even know how these spiritual wounds can be healed. I'll be going back to school soon (hopefully) and the fact that I'll still see them on campus and in res, recruiting more innocent, well-meaning people just makes me sick to the pit of my stomach! I feel like going over to that main church in Africa and burn it down!



    Don't know if it's the right time to point this out but I would like to quote Romans 12:17,19. "Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord."

    I think most of us here in this forum have also experience anger, others more intense than some, towards the wmscog. But do not let them ruin it for you, Fac. They are not worth it. The best thing to do, if you don't mind the advice, is to direct your anger in coming up ways on how to stop their evil plot. It is okay to be angry, but don't destroy your life for them because this would make you lose the spiritual battle. God opened your eyes for a reason, put it into good use. 

    We are here to support you in any way we can.



    Frustrated angry confused: Don’t give up on religion just yet, I will be back later today to tell you a sweet story. 🙂 you and I have something in common and you will find out in due time. Hang in there dear.



    @Fac – I am afraid your anger will be mis-directed. I believe that well over 90%, probably as many as 99% of wmscog members are just innocent victims. I would suggest that the best way for you to dissipate the anger is to counter their recruiting.

    Go through this and the encountering websites and study how each of their doctrines are wrong. Whenever you see them recruiting, confront them and their victim and state that you yourself were a victim who has now come out. Then counter each of their points calmly using biblical evidence. If it is not possible to butt in and join them, then get hold of their intended victim after they have left him/her and tell him/her what happened to you. This will be very therapeutic for you.



    This is very good advice I only see one problem with it and that is that the WMSCOG member has been trained to be able to dispute most things that are contrary to their teachings. If you are aware of how they are going to redirect, trap you, or shut down the conversation then I'd say go for it. I also want you to consider doing this with another friend. Two are better than one. Weather or not you talk to the WMS member you really want to share your story with the person or people that they talked to. I've done this a few times and it has been very effective. I have only been affected by this group. Never have I been a member so I imagine that your testimony to a potential convert would be even more substantial than mine.



    Yes they love training to trap people into contradicting themselves



    I have a difficulty saying “God Bless You” as we’ll. there have been random occasions where someone as wish my husband and me “God Bless You,” and I respond back but my husband doesn’t say anything. Baby steps……



    You know, I want to say God Bless You to people but because of this group and my personal experience with them I don't feel like I can without triggering a cult mindset in people. This group really has taken something great and twisted it.



    I understand how this can be hard – the mind control was carefully thought out. However, there is a God who governs this world and is the creator of the universe. "God bless you" is okay to say when it is sincere and from the heart, and not like a broken record, as someone once mentioned. They can't rub us of our true faith in a universal God if we believe so. The mind is incredibly vast and more powerful than the physical realm. I believe in due time, we'll certainly feel different and better about our experiences there. Yes, it was damaging for a lot, and yet more that will be coming out but in due time, we'll see them reap so many times what they sowed.




    Sarah2013 wrote:

    I understand how this can be hard – the mind control was carefully thought out. However, there is a God who governs this world and is the creator of the universe. "God bless you" is okay to say when it is sincere and from the heart, and not like a broken record, as someone once mentioned. They can't rub us of our true faith in a universal God if we believe so. The mind is incredibly vast and more powerful than the physical realm. I believe in due time, we'll certainly feel different and better about our experiences there. Yes, it was damaging for a lot, and yet more that will be coming out but in due time, we'll see them reap so many times what they sowed.


    This is such a nice comment. Thank you for this one Sarah. She is right, people! We must not let the wmscog affect our relationship with God anymore, we must not budge even an inch to them. Let us take back our spiritual advantage. So I will start by saying… God bless you Everyone! lol



    Thanks, Eli.   It's the truth, you know.



    Here's an article that I found on a Korean site that seems to show people in Korea protesting the 3 false predictions that the wms/Ahn have made.  Suggestion:  Open the link in Google Chrome so you can at least get a rough translation.



    I’m not surprised.



    Please don't be "EVERYBODY'S FOOL" 




    Elievalkyrie wrote:

    I think I developed some sort of defense mechanism over here. Hearing the word "God bless you" so many times while I was in wmscog had a psychological effect. I cringe when I read it in the previous comments. lol. Now I treat that phrase as special and use it only on certain occassion. Anyone here feeling the same as I?

    Congrats Sarah, I thank God that He gave you your "sight" back, welcome to the truth. ^_^

    I've had to amend the phrase just to get it out off the tip of my fingers on to a keyboard and to say it as well.  Something like "May the real God bless you".  BTW, I looked at a link Emily posted recently in one of the threads where there's a picture of the mainstream Koreans protesting our friends. It's f^(%ing outstanding.   /; v )

    Elie=House on Fire ! You so ROCK !

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