"The True WMSCOG" on The WMSCOG's Failed Doomsday Predictions

  • #61351


    The cog are the liars here. I knew you guys would back track on your words when the workd didnt end in 2012. Yesterday a family member apologized for his misinterpretation of the world ending in 2012 and that he was wrong and not the church. Acording to him it was his misinterpretation…he is a Deacon. Unfortunately that doesnt hold up. He showed us videos and studies of when the world was going to end. The whole cog was in agreement from what he said in 2011 now he is doing damage control and trying to back pedal. I have text messages and notebooks full of these studies. How can you guys say that never happened?



    Im not sure how you sleep at night……???



    Deny it all you want 144000, but if you were truly being honest with yourself, I’m sure you would have to admit it. That’s okay, I understand, it’s what this group does….our son adamantly denies many things he told us in the past that don’t fit anymore

    Very sad how these people mess with the heads of so many good people!



    So I guess that means all the Korean former members who said the church preached 1988 & 1999 were liars also?! They just made those dates from thin air right? If the church denies it enough times the members will believe it LOL



    WMSCOG preaches lots of FAILED prophecies because they are NOT the true church!!!!!



    "The whole cog was in agreement from what he said in 2011"

    I'm sorry, what was that? I think 1.7 million people disagree with you.

    "Yesterday a family member apologized for his misinterpretation of the world ending in 2012"

    Ah, now the truth comes out, even those very few people, who you claim is "the whole cog" are now even admitting they misinterpreted the message.

    Its funny, you claim that members and ex-members are telling the truth when they proclaim the 2012 message, but then you choose not to believe people when they admit they made a mistake. You are picking and choosing who and what to believe with bias. You are ignoring anything that is inconvenient for you, and you only tell half of the story because only by omitting the truth is it actually possible to slander us.

    See there is a reason I never heard of this 2012 doomsday in four different Zions in over 8 years.

    There is a reason none of the Pastors I know preached it.

    There is a reason none of the Missionaries I know preached it.

    And there is a reason none of the Deacons I know preached it.

    And there is a reason why none of the few thousand brothers and sisters I know never mentioned it. Some I know personally, some I only know in passing, and none of them ever said anything as controversial as this.

    Because the church as a whole never released any message stating 2012 was the end.

    What you were told, was the message a few individuals, and a couple hundred other individuals scattered around the US who made the same mistake. A mistake which 1.7 million members (the actual "whole cog") did not also make.

    Now some of them have even come foward to admit they intrerpreted things wrong and made up their own opinions. And you know what? People sometimes get confused, I'm not going to hold that against them.

    But you insisting that a couple hundred people is indicative of what 1.7 million people think, that retarded leap of logic I will point out against you.

    Especially when they admit their fault, but you don't believe them. Even though you believed them before, you don't believe them now. You are picking and choosing what is convenient for you to believe, and you are ignoring the facts.



    If 2012 and other failed prophecies were never preached why does the church try so hard to deny it? All LIES! It was preached…maybe not to you. And how do you know 1.7 million members agree? Did you ask them all one by one? You’re a crack up. You claim to think you know what everyone has heard or what they know. I think the only one here that’s delusional is you. Thanks for always showing your true colors here…it’s much appreciated.



    Why did the Tx church tell my husband last year was the last passover?



    "And how do you know 1.7 million members agree?"

    Because unlike some people, I have branched out during my travels and have a wide variety of Zions, church leaders, and thousands of brothers and sisters to compare notes with.

    As opposed to you, and select people here, who have a very limited scope of knowledge.

    Over 8 years it would be no exagerration to say I have spoken with a thousand perhaps two thousand about matters in great detail, including roughly a hundred group leaders and church officials. I literally have never even heard of a 2012 controversy in all my years until just recently here.

    I have also visited and heard news from visiting members from other Zions, helping me to understand what the other Zions around the world think, even elder leaders internationally on facebook JUST IN CASE 4 ZIONS AND THOUSANDS OF MEMBERS ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU.

    My individual experience ALONE outweighs all of you and all of your witnesses put together by a factor of a hundred or more, and every brother and sister in our organization can see that. The fact that other people are sharing in my sentiments only helps to highlight how NOT-OFFICIAL and NOT-CHURCHWIDE this delusional belief is.

    "Why did the Tx church tell my husband last year was the last passover?"

    I have absolutely no idea, only a tiny pinch of people ever propogated this rumor. And none of them come from any of the Zions I have been to or heard from.

    It is not an official message or declaration of our Church, we as a whole never believed that.



    Well I can tell you…you never made it to my Zion and asked me squat! So quit presuming to know what people in a variety of Zion’s over 8 years think. The church didnt even begin denying the 2012 prophecy until former members started exposing the false predictions. So why would you even discuss it with anyone over the last 8 years if it was never preached?! Sounds rather ridiculous to me.



    There are only two other people sharing your sentiments on this forum-FTOS and 1004. Makes you look very credible! Where’s your 1.7 million counterparts? Not backing up your false claims here.



    The church as a whole isn’t consistent!



    WMSCOG has a pattern of failed “prophecies” and cover ups. 2012 is the third such occurrence. Why wouldn’t I believe the church never preached it? Oh, I guess everyone has to lie on the church because its just that great. LOL



    Yes, nor did you make it to the location our son attends….I have witnessed myself at their community events, they “advertise” the “we love you foundation”, not wmscog….

    Go ahead and call us liars, now you are making assumptions that all locations are operating the same way- as they should be if mother was god….



    Disturbed wrote:

    WMSCOG has a pattern of failed "prophecies" and cover ups. 2012 is the third such occurrence. Why wouldn't I believe the church never preached it? Oh, I guess everyone has to lie on the church because its just that great. LOL

    The funny thing is the powers that be are fully aware we are not lying. They wish this was all a dream cause it's about to come to an end. However, the dundees will follow from time to time. 



    I agree Simon…the church as a whole is inconsistent. While I was a member I wondered why it was so wrong to communicate with people in other zions. Well now we know why. What’s being taught at this Zion isn’t being taught at that Zion.

    Let me clarify this statement for 144,000 because we know his comprehension isn’t all there. All zions do the same basic stuff…keep sabbath, feasts, third day. When it comes to interpretations, baptisms, amount of studies, were Zhang and Ash married to other people, did they have children with other people…things get a bit blurred.



    Backpedal harder, change your story more.

    You guys can't even agree on when it started, when it ended, and when people started denying it, you guys have statements all over the place.



    We certainly all agree that the church preached 2012 and then denied they preached it. It was a failed prediction as we can see that 2013 was ushered in.

    The church has worked really hard to say they didn’t preach it. If it was never preached then it shouldn’t be anything the church has to deny. But everyone coming here, even a few newcomers that are still members, agree that it was preached.

    So 144,000 you can deny that you ever heard it. That doesn’t prove to anyone that it was never preached.



    1004 wrote:

    @ stained, will you grow up? You have a book bag, you must be a human, so now book bags make a God?  See all this nonsense?  You guys have to wake up and realize your insanity. 

    The substance of my comment has little to do with the "actual" Bookbag.  The foolishness of your position, (a story totally made up BTW) is that god had a Bookbag that some chick jacked without him knowing it.  LMAO.  It's like a f[remeoved for content]ing Cartoon.  Keep em comin'.



    They predicted SOMETHING would happen in 2012 giving them the benefit of the doubt many misunderstood what it was the fact remains 2012came and went uneventful

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