Our mission as followers

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  • #7178

    Our jobs is to tell people about the word of God, but it is the Holy Spirit who will do the work in them. We plant the seeds and God will do the rest. We can’t force people after we have told them. God’s word does not return unto him void. In due time if they are willing, the Holy Spirit will do the work in them. We do not have the power to change anyone. We are just a vehicle to get that message out there. If we are willing, He will use us. He took a shepherd boy and killed a giant. God took a slave and made him emperor and saved people from the famine. It is not our ability but our availability. if we are available, He will use us.

    Thought I’d share that.

  • #55743


     ….  yeah you're right.  there's a father and he can't pull out his own family from WMSCOG. The misguided wife had been a member for almost 15 yrs. while the children have grown up already on this church. The arrogant wife had never mentioned the truth about this false church to her husband who most of his time spent abroad saving every penny he can to support his family at home.  The father, at times on his vacations, used to accompany his family to their place of worship unsuspecting of what's really behind.  The father thought that the church is just another sprout of born-again christian group.  Only a few weeks this month of the year, the father discovered the truth when he stumbled upon this website of which he immediately informed and talked to wife and kids, but to no avail, his people all fall silent and just like that, no more communication.  Pretty bad.  The affected family were all christians,  the father, not so religious one but finds time to make research and study world religions and sects has reverted to Islam 3 years back of which his family were not concerned. Yeah accordingly, he talked to his family about Islam and urged them to read the Quran, to no avail he was not listened to.  To sum up all, the family only got 1% reconcillation.

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