I just dont know anymore

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  • #6929

    i am from South Africa. i joined the church in June so i've been there for almost 2months. I have so many questions to ask bcz i feel like there are so many things about the WMCOG that don't make sense to me and some that do. i just feel extremely hopeless. the people at the church were very loving and welcoming. now they still give off that 'Love' to the brothers ad sisters but bcz they keep talking about how the world will come to an end soon(soon being by he end of 2012) that they have become so pushy telling us we must not waste time bcz God is comming as judge anyday now. i always believed that God is love and the way peolpe who reject their doctrine are rejected makes me feel uneasy bcz if this is the true church of God wouldnt u want to do all in ur power to show people the love and grace of god???

    what is going on???  need advice and proof. the information i've seen on this site has provided this and i would like to go to the deacin with my questions but i know that i will be shunned. is it really a sin to question of this truely is the church of God? i need to j=know for my soul's sake and that means ihave to ask questions but i feel like i won't find the answers to my questions in the church, maybe i can find them here.HELP

  • #47138


    This is just one of several websites that can help your in your quest for knowledge. Having and asking questions is a key part of anyone's faith. The answers that you seek are not in that group! I will be very direct here. The WMSCOG is defined by many as a cult. Now don't fall for the excuse that Jesus and the disciples were considered a cult. Jesus and his teachings didn't contradict the Word of God! The WMSCOG has created false gods, false prophets, and false doctrine which has been cherry picked out of the Bible. Have you noticed how they only want you to read certain things in a certain order? How they expect you to learn and teach exactly as they show it to you? This is not God revealing truths to you! By picking a piece here and a scripture there I can make the Bible say things like god wants us to grow drugs, women are supposed to do questionable acts with men, even make it seem like it is gods will that we should kill ourselves. This practice is exactly what the WMSCOG does! How about this one: We're all angels who tried to kill god and have been cast down to Earth. First of all, nowhere in Gods Word does it say that we are angels. Assumptions have to be made and certain scriptures have to be taken out of context in order to make that seem real. Second, the angels that rebelled against God do not have the opportunity for redemption. A just and righteous God would not have such a double standard. Third, in order for any of this to be true you have to be made to believe that there's still rebellion in Heaven. Gods Word states in Heaven there's no sorrow, no pain, and you will be at peace. The doctrine in the WMSCOG is so contradictory to the Word of God and has so many holes in it that the members are forced to doubt and then forced to suppress those doubts. You don't need that and it's certainly not Gods will for your life. Get out of this right now! Turn your back on these false gods and this sinful misleading doctrine. Pray to the only one who paid the price for your sins. Jesus is the only one who deserves your praises. Trust on him alone and never go back to these deceivers again. They are like the pharoses of the old covenant creating a law that no man can live up to. Keeping you bound by guilt. Jesus didn't come to enslave men but to reestablish a relationship with us.

    One other thing I feel compelled to share with you: Have you seen how many times members say, "I love you." This is a trigger for mind control. When this group can get a new recruit to start repeating this phrase back in the same manner that it's spoken to them they know that the indoctrination is working. Please read more of this website and do your own research outside of this groups influence. The truth you seek and need is available for you all you have to do is find it for yourself. Nobody can do this for you! You work out your own salvation. Keep in touch, I'll be praying for you.



    John 1 4:1 says to test the spirits to see if they are from God, and as shimon has pointed out elsewhere, people were commended in Scripture for asking questions.

    the truth isn't afraid of being questioned.



    …..hang in there, don't loose your faith & never forget who died on that cross for you, I can only tell you just what i told donttrustzang…The struggle your in today is developing the strenght you need tomorrow.  Keep searching for the answers you are looking for.

    John 14:6

    Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.




    hey KeaM,

    you are slowly finding out that this church does not have the truth.  i am very sorry to hear the spiritual turmoil you are going through, but take heart, Jesus has not abandoned you.

    though the WMS is not the truth, i pray you will not turn your back on Jesus because of Judas.  it is Jesus who has given you a passion for reading Scripture, and calls you out from this group, and into a deeper relationship with Him with the rest of Christianity.



    , looks like South Africa was told the ending is at the end of this year.  I guess since they come here and read the forum, they already know how members, non-members are reacting, and so now 2012 was misunderstood(even by ppl there for 10-15 yrs) it's the end of preaching not the end of the world….(I did hear that there was going to be a time where there would be no more preaching allowed) but how could that be when there are still parts of the world, who have never heared about Jesus, never the less Ahnsanghong and mother.  Have you ever heared of the 1040 WINDOW, if not google it.

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