"god's" children

  • Creator
  • #6780

    I recently heard that the wmscog finally publicly admitted that ahnsahnghong and zhanggiljah were previously married to other people and had children.  This is a real shocker because previously I had been told that they had never been married or had children.  Other former members have told me that they have also heard both conflicting stories. 

    So why do members that have heard both stories continue to stay in the church?  Did the "mother god" previously approve for the wmscog to lie to the congregation about her and ahnsahnghong's history?  God doesn't lie.  It seems like "the truth" is something that changes at the wmscog.

    We are all children of God correct?  So why would "god" be born on earth and have intercourse with one of his own children?  Why would "god" need to have children the way that humans do?  The real God created Adam from the dust of the ground.  Why would "god" give birth to "angels that sinned against 'god' in heaven"?  That just doesn't make any sense! 

    The wmscog also taught me that everything Jesus did was an example for us.  What kind of example did ahnsahnghong and zhanggiljah set for their followers?  That divorce, adultery and lying are ok?  God Almighty is perfect.  Jesus was perfect.  ahnsahnghong and zhanggiljah were/are sinners and there is no way that either one of them will ever be "gods". 

    But I guess that's me "using my own mind" again huh?  Seriously you can't make this stuff up.

  • #42683


    They seem to be announcing that because it appears the cat is out of the bag. They appear to be doing damage control and are kicking people out who ask too many questions.  From what I've hear, they do in fact change teachings through time but ever so slowly.  Alot of time they omit teaching that are contradictory to what is happening within their church.  Also I foreone did experience this gradual change in teachings.

    Also it is a known fact that they ex-commuicate members who seems to think for themselves and ask too many questions or anyone who have nothing to offer to the church.  They either kick them out of the church.or spread bad rumors about them, saying something similar like they are evil, don't be like them, they are demon possessed and who knows how many.  Most of the members simply do not ask ex-members why they left the church and if some do ask, they simply ex-communicate them if they speak anything ill of the church, saying they were in the hands of satan.  Other time if you don't have a job, they tell you to get one.  If not, they will try to get rid of you, especially if you have no relatives or friends in the church who tithes or give offerings.  Also if you don't have a job, they won't preach to you until you have one, this is no lie!

    They proclaim they have 1.4 millions members and there are 52 weeks in a year.  Let us say for estimate reason, they have a million members and there are 50 weeks in a years.  If  every member give one dollar offering every service on Sabbath, they make 50 million dollars a year, but wait, there are three Sabbth services, so they make around 150 million dollars a year, give or take.  That is enough to support all their churches around the world and then some.  This also does not include, the seven feast of three times offering, their Zion offering, their tithe, just donation from members whom they ask saying they can't offord their electric bill or whatever excuses they make, their profit from Big Shine, their We Love U charity organization and other organizations they own which they hush, hush about.  They make serious amount of money, however they continue to ask for thousands of dollars(to the ones who actually have money, not the minimum wage members) in donation saying they can barely offord their mortage bill or electric bill.  Of course. this is kept hush hush to the majority of the members.  This is common sense and simple math, think about it.

    The most amusing part of it is that they are decorating their church with Christmas lights now, after all their teachings against it saying it is not the birthday of Jesus and it is the birthday of the sun god.  It was the same with Thanksgiving holiday.  At first they were against keeping such man-made "pagan" holiday, but now they are encouraging their members to participate in such festivals.  It appears that they are trying to conform with the activities of the world instead of going against it.  They are completely going against their teaching of the fish with scales and fins, going against the mainstream of the world.  Since they have so many bad reputation, they are making alot of effort to appear like the "world", which is just ridculous.

    Same thing with Y2K.  The member were storing their supplies preparing for the end of days.  However when nothing happened, Zahng Gil Ja annoucned to the members that they should be ashamed because they didn't have faith in Ahn Sahng Hong.  Which doesn't explain much and most likely trying to make people feel guilty to work harder for them because they didn't depend on the founder of the church to warm them "clearly" of the time of the end.  However who was the one that was teaching the members that the Y2K was the end of the world?  Who was encouraging the member to stock on supplies?  Why didn't Zahng Gil Ja stop the member and inform them that they have been misinformed and should just wait until she gives the word to prepare before all hell broke loose?  Now they are proclaiming that the end of the world is 2012.  Interesting how this will turn out.  When nothing happens, what will their explanation be?  Of course they must already have something prepared and made room to squish one in when nothing happens.  Since 2012 is just a rumor that goes around in the churches and deacons and missionaries tell only certain individuals or groups that 2012 is surely the end, but keep it a secret.  Through this method there are alot of confusions and gossips in the church, but without a doubt, they do teach that 2012 is the end.  Also they try very hard to prevent members from contacting one another from other churches, because if they do, something may not seem right.

    I have yet to have a detailed study through the Bible that North Korea will start a nuclear war.  North Korea destroying the world has always been through word of mouth, never through the Bible.  According to them, the Jerusalem was surrounded by Romans in 68 AD as a warning to God's people to get out.  Two years later Jerusalem was destroyed.  Similar situation happened in 2010 where American soldiers surrounded Korea.  Looking at the past, doesn't it make sense that Americans will start the world war instead of the North Koreans?  It would be quite amusing they start teaching that the USA will start the war, not North Korea after I stated this.

    Same thing with 144,000.  Before they would teach that when distruction comes, everyone will die except the 144,000.  After some time, they would teach that right before the destruction, 144,000 will be raptured and the rest of us will be left to suffer and die.  Since they continually change their teaching, some of the members who have been there for years sometimes get confused.

    If you are an African-American member, this paragraph may shock you.  Long time ago, before there were any African-Americans in the church, they used to teach that Africans or blacks cannot be saved because they are the descendants of Ham, Noah's son who was cursed.  Therefore according to their teachings, black people cannot be saved.  Yes, I am not joking.  Yes this is all true.  No, I have not heard this teachings myself since they stop teaching them when I came in when there were already some African-American members.  I know this information to be reliable because I have heard this from members who have been there from the beginning of the wmscog in America, from a trustworthy source who have no reason to lie or make this up.  I'm not trying to be racist or insult anyone, and if I do, I apologize.  I'm just stating the facts that goes around the church.

    They also never seem to arrange African-Americans to marry a Korean, but this I am not entirely sure of, but just a food for thought.

    I do know for a that they used to proclaim that Jews cannot be saved since they killed Jesus and cursed themselves saying "let his blood be on us and our children."  They gradually stop this teaching because some Jewish people came in.  Something similar happened with the Armenians.

    Am I wrong in saying that the founders of the wmscog racist?

    Also why do they keep telling people not to look on the internet when they themselves use the internet to post their vidoes and site online?  Why do they never televise their teaching when they obviously have money to do so?  Because if they are well known in public, people will look in their history and will know for a fact that everything they teach is a lie and all the suppose terrible rumors and lies about them are in fact true.  Why do you think they always buy a run-down church which need alot of maintainence and are out of the main streets, hidden from view?  Also after the church is fixed and looks nice, they make more and more projects to keep the members busy to stop them from asking questions.

    Most of the teachings which is so ground breaking are not their teachings but from the Worldwide Church of God and the Seventh Day Adventist.  Where do you thing Ahn Sahng Hong get his teachings?  World Mission Society Church of God is also not the original church founded by Ahn Sahng Hong, for they are the one that left and started their own church.  That is why the founder of the church in the IRS form is the general pastor, not Ahn Sahng Hong.  Completely destroys their foundation of teachings which they testify that this church is founded by god.  Also even Ahn Sahng Hong clearly states that he is not second coming of Christ and anyone who teach or have the idea that there is a mother god is delusional.  That two statement alone destroys their very foundation.  They proclaim that whatever mother said is okay we must follow and obey since she is god.  When people found out that she is not, everything come cumbling down to the ground.

    They teach that Zahng Gil Ja will be with us to the very end and take us to Heaven.  What if she has a heart attack or die of natural or accidental causes?  What will they explain next?  However since she is well fed and people watching and serving her ever whim, she may be here for awhile.

    Also why do they only translate one of Ahn Sahng Hong's book when they proclaim he wrote many. Oh I'm sorry, he wrote six books, my mistake, but wait, the other five book are the very same thing in the green book, just separated into five different parts with a different title.  So in reality they only translated one of his book, because the wmscog does not own the copyright to his book but his son do(funny thing that his son is not in the wmscog).  The reason they don't translate any other of his books is because they simply don't have any other book to translate.  Funny how they spread the rumors that they will translate more book, but that day never came.  This was years ago.  Sometimes they give the excuse that they only translate the books we need for salvation.  Then why did Ahn Sahng Hong wrote all those book?  Kinda of a slap in the face to their god.  I'm sorry god, even though you made all your effort to give us these books for our salvation, we will only use one of them, thank for your effort and by the way, here is a cookie for your effort and we will make vidoes of you.

    Funny thing about their tear wrenching father's vidoe.  If he worked all day and wrote the book all night, when did he have the time to preach?  If anyone walks around the mountain in a suit below freezing temperature, you will die.  Also in the end of the movie, he give the books and pictures to general pastors.  So where are all the books?  Did they make the Bible supposly own by Ahn Sahng Hong in their museum since his son own most of his books, bibles and pictures.  Also some if you look at some of father's pictures, it has been photoshopped.  Why would they bother or even make such an effort to photoshop the image of their god?  Finally in the end of the vidoe, he supposely goes on a train to China . . . IMPOSSIBLE!!! Since North Korea was communist nation, the train that used to go from South Korean to China has been long closed after the Korean War.  Wouldn't people who heard that Mr. Ahn is going to China obviously suspect that it is impossible by train?

    I only decided to wrote alot less but I guess I wrote more than I intended.

    Either way, the question is why do they keep everything a secret?  Why do they tell their members now about Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Ja being married(not to each other), and having their own children?  Because someone found out and they couldn't contain the secret any longer, so they tell the members and feed them their story before anyone else can, so as to  prevent them from "contaminating" the other members.  Damage control!  I was laughing out loud when I heard this.  Why don't they tell us the truth from the start and why do they start telling people part of the truth now after someone release the cat out of the bag.  Makes you wonder what else did they lie and kept hidden.

    And please, if you are a former member reading this, think about it.  I could post alot more but that would take too much space and time.  However research for yourselves.  Ask every question you have and have them explain in detail, instead of them avoiding them.  However asking too many question will have you ex-communicated, kicked out or they will spread bad rumors about you which are not true.

    I personally been a member of their church for a long time and the foundation of their teaching is Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Ja being a mother god.  Once that foundation is broken and you research for yourselves where they got most of their teachings, it is not hard to find out that the church was founded and established on a lie.  Also most of the rumors they spread about the church is not a lie, because I've seen it and experienced it.

    I'm not trying to brag or boast about it because I feel quite foolish for being part of their members.  However I have been a member in the church for longer than most and I have friends who have been a member much longer and have heard studies that even I haven't heard which they stopped teaching, like the Africans cannot be saved and who can guess what other.  So I can say without a doubt the above statements are not made up or lies.  I'm not pretending to be their ex-members trying to spread "bad rumors" about the church.  Honestly, think about what these people are saying and are doing.  They seem to be trying to get rid of member who has been there a long time who can contradict what they were teaching now compared to years before.

    However whether you believe it or not, at least heed this warning.  If you have children . . . keep a close eye on them.

    Good luck to you.



    This information is great and I verified it with two other sources and found it to be accurate. Use this information and get as many people out as you can.



    "Also it is a known fact that they ex-commuicate members who seems to think for themselves and ask too many questions or anyone who have nothing to offer to the church.  They either kick them out of the church.or spread bad rumors about them, saying something similar like they are evil, don't be like them, they are demon possessed and who knows how many.  Most of the members simply do not ask ex-members why they left the church and if some do ask, they simply ex-communicate them if they speak anything ill of the church, saying they were in the hands of satan.  Other time if you don't have a job, they tell you to get one.  If not, they will try to get rid of you, especially if you have no relatives or friends in the church who tithes or give offerings.  Also if you don't have a job, they won't preach to you until you have one, this is no lie!"

    THIS is exactly CORRECT, I have a (just turned) former member that currently excommunicated that confirm about this behaviour.



    and current members who is blindly protect wmscog should put this in their mind that its not that every former members is out there to spread "bad proppaganda" about wmscog BUT most likely its because they find out the about the BAD THINGS inside wmscog, thats why they decided to GET OUT.



    Love this topic




    I am a former member of a German Zion and just read through this topic. Talking about racism, has anybody of you heard of the "golden acre/field"? When I was in Zion they used to tell us that Europe is the golden acre and it bears the most fruits, so it would be best to move around European cities and preach as much as possible. Unfortunately they never showed me the prophecy about that. So I was wondering if anybody outside of Europe heard about that?



    Sorry, I've never heared of it, in my opinion it just sounds like, they just wanted people to move over there to preach their gospel and bare more fruit.



    Yeah, I remember them telling me that many Korean sisters and brothers came to Europe because of that. All I was thinking was "Wow, how about whole America, Africa or Asia?" It was hard for me to imagine why God should put most of his sheep to Europe. 

    It would be kind of depressing for American church members to hear that, wouldn't it?



    Welcome Raysof light,

    Can you tell us more about yourself and how you came about leaving the church.  What has been your experience with the WMS?



    It would be kind of depressing for American church members to hear that, wouldn't it? 

    Yes just like Jonah's prophecy and how the world was going to end in 1988, but God gave us a second chance, the thing is only Korea knew about it and no other country.  Did you hear/study about that one?



    Sarah2013 wrote:

    Love this topic

     Yes  Sarah me too!   I love Axel's post the best, seems like Axel had a whole lot  more to say, but chose not to continue, wow!  Is Axel still active in the Forum?  If he's not can Admin. contact him and ask him to return, I would love to ask him a couple of questions.



    Axel hasn't visited this forum for a year. Why don't you PM him and invite him back?



    Kim wrote:

    Sarah2013 wrote:

    Love this topic

     Yes  Sarah me too!   I love Axel's post the best, seems like Axel had a whole lot  more to say, but chose not to continue, wow!  Is Axel still active in the Forum?  If he's not can Admin. contact him and ask him to return, I would love to ask him a couple of questions.

    No kidding. 



    Axel wrote:

    They seem to be announcing that because it appears the cat is out of the bag. They appear to be doing damage control and are kicking people out who ask too many questions.  From what I've hear, they do in fact change teachings through time but ever so slowly.  Alot of time they omit teaching that are contradictory to what is happening within their church.  Also I foreone did experience this gradual change in teachings.

    Also it is a known fact that they ex-commuicate members who seems to think for themselves and ask too many questions or anyone who have nothing to offer to the church.  They either kick them out of the church.or spread bad rumors about them, saying something similar like they are evil, don't be like them, they are demon possessed and who knows how many.  Most of the members simply do not ask ex-members why they left the church and if some do ask, they simply ex-communicate them if they speak anything ill of the church, saying they were in the hands of satan.  Other time if you don't have a job, they tell you to get one.  If not, they will try to get rid of you, especially if you have no relatives or friends in the church who tithes or give offerings.  Also if you don't have a job, they won't preach to you until you have one, this is no lie!

    They proclaim they have 1.4 millions members and there are 52 weeks in a year.  Let us say for estimate reason, they have a million members and there are 50 weeks in a years.  If  every member give one dollar offering every service on Sabbath, they make 50 million dollars a year, but wait, there are three Sabbth services, so they make around 150 million dollars a year, give or take.  That is enough to support all their churches around the world and then some.  This also does not include, the seven feast of three times offering, their Zion offering, their tithe, just donation from members whom they ask saying they can't offord their electric bill or whatever excuses they make, their profit from Big Shine, their We Love U charity organization and other organizations they own which they hush, hush about.  They make serious amount of money, however they continue to ask for thousands of dollars(to the ones who actually have money, not the minimum wage members) in donation saying they can barely offord their mortage bill or electric bill.  Of course. this is kept hush hush to the majority of the members.  This is common sense and simple math, think about it.

    The most amusing part of it is that they are decorating their church with Christmas lights now, after all their teachings against it saying it is not the birthday of Jesus and it is the birthday of the sun god.  It was the same with Thanksgiving holiday.  At first they were against keeping such man-made "pagan" holiday, but now they are encouraging their members to participate in such festivals.  It appears that they are trying to conform with the activities of the world instead of going against it.  They are completely going against their teaching of the fish with scales and fins, going against the mainstream of the world.  Since they have so many bad reputation, they are making alot of effort to appear like the "world", which is just ridculous.

    Same thing with Y2K.  The member were storing their supplies preparing for the end of days.  However when nothing happened, Zahng Gil Ja annoucned to the members that they should be ashamed because they didn't have faith in Ahn Sahng Hong.  Which doesn't explain much and most likely trying to make people feel guilty to work harder for them because they didn't depend on the founder of the church to warm them "clearly" of the time of the end.  However who was the one that was teaching the members that the Y2K was the end of the world?  Who was encouraging the member to stock on supplies?  Why didn't Zahng Gil Ja stop the member and inform them that they have been misinformed and should just wait until she gives the word to prepare before all hell broke loose?  Now they are proclaiming that the end of the world is 2012.  Interesting how this will turn out.  When nothing happens, what will their explanation be?  Of course they must already have something prepared and made room to squish one in when nothing happens.  Since 2012 is just a rumor that goes around in the churches and deacons and missionaries tell only certain individuals or groups that 2012 is surely the end, but keep it a secret.  Through this method there are alot of confusions and gossips in the church, but without a doubt, they do teach that 2012 is the end.  Also they try very hard to prevent members from contacting one another from other churches, because if they do, something may not seem right.

    I have yet to have a detailed study through the Bible that North Korea will start a nuclear war.  North Korea destroying the world has always been through word of mouth, never through the Bible.  According to them, the Jerusalem was surrounded by Romans in 68 AD as a warning to God's people to get out.  Two years later Jerusalem was destroyed.  Similar situation happened in 2010 where American soldiers surrounded Korea.  Looking at the past, doesn't it make sense that Americans will start the world war instead of the North Koreans?  It would be quite amusing they start teaching that the USA will start the war, not North Korea after I stated this.

    Same thing with 144,000.  Before they would teach that when distruction comes, everyone will die except the 144,000.  After some time, they would teach that right before the destruction, 144,000 will be raptured and the rest of us will be left to suffer and die.  Since they continually change their teaching, some of the members who have been there for years sometimes get confused.

    If you are an African-American member, this paragraph may shock you.  Long time ago, before there were any African-Americans in the church, they used to teach that Africans or blacks cannot be saved because they are the descendants of Ham, Noah's son who was cursed.  Therefore according to their teachings, black people cannot be saved.  Yes, I am not joking.  Yes this is all true.  No, I have not heard this teachings myself since they stop teaching them when I came in when there were already some African-American members.  I know this information to be reliable because I have heard this from members who have been there from the beginning of the wmscog in America, from a trustworthy source who have no reason to lie or make this up.  I'm not trying to be racist or insult anyone, and if I do, I apologize.  I'm just stating the facts that goes around the church.

    They also never seem to arrange African-Americans to marry a Korean, but this I am not entirely sure of, but just a food for thought.

    I do know for a that they used to proclaim that Jews cannot be saved since they killed Jesus and cursed themselves saying "let his blood be on us and our children."  They gradually stop this teaching because some Jewish people came in.  Something similar happened with the Armenians.

    Am I wrong in saying that the founders of the wmscog racist?

    Also why do they keep telling people not to look on the internet when they themselves use the internet to post their vidoes and site online?  Why do they never televise their teaching when they obviously have money to do so?  Because if they are well known in public, people will look in their history and will know for a fact that everything they teach is a lie and all the suppose terrible rumors and lies about them are in fact true.  Why do you think they always buy a run-down church which need alot of maintainence and are out of the main streets, hidden from view?  Also after the church is fixed and looks nice, they make more and more projects to keep the members busy to stop them from asking questions.

    Most of the teachings which is so ground breaking are not their teachings but from the Worldwide Church of God and the Seventh Day Adventist.  Where do you thing Ahn Sahng Hong get his teachings?  World Mission Society Church of God is also not the original church founded by Ahn Sahng Hong, for they are the one that left and started their own church.  That is why the founder of the church in the IRS form is the general pastor, not Ahn Sahng Hong.  Completely destroys their foundation of teachings which they testify that this church is founded by god.  Also even Ahn Sahng Hong clearly states that he is not second coming of Christ and anyone who teach or have the idea that there is a mother god is delusional.  That two statement alone destroys their very foundation.  They proclaim that whatever mother said is okay we must follow and obey since she is god.  When people found out that she is not, everything come cumbling down to the ground.

    They teach that Zahng Gil Ja will be with us to the very end and take us to Heaven.  What if she has a heart attack or die of natural or accidental causes?  What will they explain next?  However since she is well fed and people watching and serving her ever whim, she may be here for awhile.

    Also why do they only translate one of Ahn Sahng Hong's book when they proclaim he wrote many. Oh I'm sorry, he wrote six books, my mistake, but wait, the other five book are the very same thing in the green book, just separated into five different parts with a different title.  So in reality they only translated one of his book, because the wmscog does not own the copyright to his book but his son do(funny thing that his son is not in the wmscog).  The reason they don't translate any other of his books is because they simply don't have any other book to translate.  Funny how they spread the rumors that they will translate more book, but that day never came.  This was years ago.  Sometimes they give the excuse that they only translate the books we need for salvation.  Then why did Ahn Sahng Hong wrote all those book?  Kinda of a slap in the face to their god.  I'm sorry god, even though you made all your effort to give us these books for our salvation, we will only use one of them, thank for your effort and by the way, here is a cookie for your effort and we will make vidoes of you.

    Funny thing about their tear wrenching father's vidoe.  If he worked all day and wrote the book all night, when did he have the time to preach?  If anyone walks around the mountain in a suit below freezing temperature, you will die.  Also in the end of the movie, he give the books and pictures to general pastors.  So where are all the books?  Did they make the Bible supposly own by Ahn Sahng Hong in their museum since his son own most of his books, bibles and pictures.  Also some if you look at some of father's pictures, it has been photoshopped.  Why would they bother or even make such an effort to photoshop the image of their god?  Finally in the end of the vidoe, he supposely goes on a train to China . . . IMPOSSIBLE!!! Since North Korea was communist nation, the train that used to go from South Korean to China has been long closed after the Korean War.  Wouldn't people who heard that Mr. Ahn is going to China obviously suspect that it is impossible by train?

    I only decided to wrote alot less but I guess I wrote more than I intended.

    Either way, the question is why do they keep everything a secret?  Why do they tell their members now about Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Ja being married(not to each other), and having their own children?  Because someone found out and they couldn't contain the secret any longer, so they tell the members and feed them their story before anyone else can, so as to  prevent them from "contaminating" the other members.  Damage control!  I was laughing out loud when I heard this.  Why don't they tell us the truth from the start and why do they start telling people part of the truth now after someone release the cat out of the bag.  Makes you wonder what else did they lie and kept hidden.

    And please, if you are a former member reading this, think about it.  I could post alot more but that would take too much space and time.  However research for yourselves.  Ask every question you have and have them explain in detail, instead of them avoiding them.  However asking too many question will have you ex-communicated, kicked out or they will spread bad rumors about you which are not true.

    I personally been a member of their church for a long time and the foundation of their teaching is Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Ja being a mother god.  Once that foundation is broken and you research for yourselves where they got most of their teachings, it is not hard to find out that the church was founded and established on a lie.  Also most of the rumors they spread about the church is not a lie, because I've seen it and experienced it.

    I'm not trying to brag or boast about it because I feel quite foolish for being part of their members.  However I have been a member in the church for longer than most and I have friends who have been a member much longer and have heard studies that even I haven't heard which they stopped teaching, like the Africans cannot be saved and who can guess what other.  So I can say without a doubt the above statements are not made up or lies.  I'm not pretending to be their ex-members trying to spread "bad rumors" about the church.  Honestly, think about what these people are saying and are doing.  They seem to be trying to get rid of member who has been there a long time who can contradict what they were teaching now compared to years before.

    However whether you believe it or not, at least heed this warning.  If you have children . . . keep a close eye on them.

    Good luck to you.

    This is a very long post but deserves a repost for several reasons. Before I get to those reasons please for those who are wondering about a lot of things that have been expressed on this site, know that this was written, I believe, over a year ago by the contents. Pay close attention to what was said about 2012, African Americans and so much more. It is crisp and straight to the point from a former member who obviously was there for a while. Note what the writer said about China and Korea at the time of Ahang. Most of all, it validates what Ron said in his video. This was said way ahead of its timing, almost like revelation. 

    Friends, God cannot be mocked, whatever a man sows he will reap in due time.  In so many words, what this member voiced a year or so ago has happend. It appears the post was drafted before the 2012 prediction which he said they would give an excuse for. Maybe Admin can help with an exact date of post to be exact. All here in black and white. He is either a messenger of God, a genius or simply one that has been impacted by the whole thing. I bet the latter. 

    Wmscog, we do not hate you but want you to see all the many, many, contradictions from your end. How then can you still insist to be the creator of the universe.  

    Please try to read in its entirety. I will see how  this can get back up on the thread. 



    @Emily: I just saw this post a few hours ago that I was so caught up in reading Axel’s post that I negated to read the post for the thread. You asked some very valid questions, of which I found myself asking those very questions in another thread. Why on Earth would God want to mate with his own creations? His own children that he created? That’s the same as him mating with His angels then later sends them on a spiritual errand. How odd does that sound? That he created the art of intimacy is for us humans and not for He and us to delve into. These are so disturbing when you really ponder on it. This is more than enough to prove all we have been trying to point out here. Smh.



    Except his wife/ her husband as non believer human. beings are Satan.s offspring not his



    Because sleeping with the enemy makes so much more sense




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