Experience vs. Published Evidence

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  • #7370

    I think a distinction should be made between two types of evidences.

    There are those evidences related to experience.  But if it's not actually written and published, it's very hard to prove that its official doctrine.  And we've seen that experiences can vary person to person, region to region.  Examples:

    Whether or not the wmscog preaches to the poor or homeless;

    Whether or not (and when) blacks were preached to;

    How strongly the ten talents movement was preached…

    Even whether or not the end of the world would be 2012 could fall into this category, since it seems pretty hard to track that down in writing.  Without it being published, it's easy for the wmscog to say that anyone preaching a 2012 end date just misunderstood.

    Our wmscog friends have been arguing these types of evidences strongly.  And how far does that go?  Not very, really, since experiences vary and are hard to prove to someone who wasn't there.

    Yes, I'm speaking to you now, FTOS and 144000 and 1004 and any other members reading…

    I believe you are putting all your energies into debating these kind of experience evidences so that you can ignore the evidence that exists in the published documents and doctrine of the wmscog.

    There is enough evidence against the wmscog from their own publications that has nothing to do with experiences.  With published evidence, you cannot say that we heard wrong, or that we misunderstood, or that it was just a fluke happening.  And these are not issues with different Bible interpretations either.

    I'd like to start a list of those evidences here.  It would probably be too much to debate them all in this one thread.  These already have been discussed in previous threads, but we could start new threads as needed.  I'll get the list started:

    — The problem with the 7th month feasts being kept in the 8th month on some years.

    — The historical inaccuracy of the teaching (regarding the Antichrist) of the 10 kingdoms and the year 538.

    — The ineligibility of Zahng, Kim, and the WMSCOG itself to receive Presidential Service Awards as they are shown.

    — The teaching of a God who lies.

    Please add to the list, but also please remember to limit the list to evidence that is published (and therefore no debate about whether or not the wmscog actually teaches it).  Also, let's try to refrain from issues that are of a Bible interpretation nature, unless it's something really clear.

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