Doomsday minister Harold Camping dead at 92

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    Doomsday minister Harold Camping dead at 92

    This is interesting because he was at least humble enough to admit his mistake later on. Our firends deny they said it. Here are a few excerpts for those who do not want to click through to the link.

    Camping's most widely spread prediction was that the Rapture would happen on May 21, 2011. His independent Christian media empire spent millions of dollars — some of it from donations made by followers who quit their jobs and sold all their possessions— to spread the word on more than 5,000 billboards and 20 RVs plastered with the Judgment Day message.

    Very similar to what the wmscog has put their members through. I know a person who did exactly as stated above for the wmscog.

    When the Judgment Day he foresaw did not materialize, the preacher revised his prophecy, saying he had been off by five months. The preacher, who suffered a stroke three weeks after the May prediction failed, said the light dawned on him that instead of the biblical Rapture in which the faithful would be swept up to the heavens, the date had instead been a "spiritual" Judgment Day, which placed the entire world under Christ's judgment.

    excuses and change of date

    But after the cataclysmic event did not occur in October either, Camping acknowledged his apocalyptic prophecy had been wrong and posted a letter on his ministry's site telling his followers he had no evidence the world would end anytime soon, and wasn't interested in considering future dates.

    "We realize that many people are hoping they will know the date of Christ's return," Camping wrote in March 2012. "We humbly acknowledge we were wrong about the timing."

    Finally acknowledges error. Will we ever hear that from the WMSCOG?

  • #65508


    I'm glad you brough this up, Emil.

    As much as I disagreed with Harold Camping, I have to admire (if that's the right word) these two things…

    1–He believed what he was preaching enough to be thoroughly public with it, and

    2–When it became totally obvious that he was wrong, he admitted it.



    Harold never claimed to be god



    Neither did Ahnsahnghong claim to be God.  That wasn't the point anyway.  The point was he made the prediction, he was wrong, and he claimed responsibility.   When 2012 didn't materialize as the end of the world, the wmscog just claimed they never said it.  Big difference.



    its an important distinction:

    Harold loses face on one thing

    WMSCOG loses on all doctrines



    Well, Camping's prediction was rooted in his teachings and interpretations.  It wasn't quite like he only lost face on that one thing.

    But yeah, for the wmscog to admit they were wrong is also admitting to Zhang and Ahn not being gods, and that's huge.



    but he still lost on less than 100%



    Nice topic you brought up. There is only one true and living God – Jesua, is what I calm him.



    As Genny and MM have pointed out, "claim to be God" was not what my post was about.

    Having said that, Simon is right in pointing out that it was easier for camping to admit failure because the downside was limited. He could continue with his church after accepting failure, albeit with fewer members, because he never had any exclusive claim to a second coming deity.

    With the WMSCOG, the downside of accepting failure is huge and could be 100% (the end of their church) though one never knows for sure.


    Love'n Honey

    It’s not that one or the other would have lost more or less. They both lied. They both lose face. Both of their doctrines are lost. One has human gods. And..?? I guess because the WMSCOG has human gods they’ll never publicly admit their wrongs. They lose 100% face. This guy only lost, what, 98.45%?


    Church of God

    Recent news WMC Is telling they will go to heaven with mother by this year 2014 according to prophesies. They said through sermon we have the recording and now they are denying it.

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