Divorce in wms

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  • #7059

    Hey, its been a while. Well, my wife has decided that she wants to divorce me regardless of how hard I object. I keep bringing up bible scriptures that speak out specifically against divorce ie. 1 Cor 7:13-16 and 1 Cor 7:39. I'm curious to know what the wms tells their members about divorce. My wife acts like it is solely her decision (which it may be) however I know it is influenced by wms. Thank you all for the input.

  • #13976

    Love'n Honey

    I don't know if this was mentioned yet since I only skimmed the responses.. but the WMSCOG teaches that if anyone tries to pry you away from God you ought to remove yourself from that person's life. I can't think of the verse but I think A. Paul said something about that.



    WMS teaches against divorce here (2010-2012) they pretty much implied the only reason some of the members weren't going to hell was because they divorced before almost as if it was unforgivably evil sin….. yet I hear in other zions they encouraged (read demanded) it of the members



    WMS teaches against divorce here (2010-2012) they pretty much implied the only reason some of the members weren't going to hell was because they divorced before almost as if it was unforgivably evil sin….. yet I hear in other zions they encouraged (read demanded) it of the members


    Ram Koirala

    I have proof I can name Jandosanim (Missionary) who took my friend's wife to Police station for divorce. Later my friend's wife realize this decession will be wrong then she returned from Police station. when time comes I will realese Video of my friend.


    Ram Koirala

    I have proof I can name Jandosanim (Missionary) who took my friend's wife to Police station for divorce. Later my friend's wife realize this decession will be wrong then she returned from Police station. when time comes I will realese Video of my friend.

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