Community Service–Who else does it?

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  • #7268

    I was thinking about how the WMSCOG publicizes their community service projects so much–making those videos, writing those articles, posting their "awards" (and perhaps asking for them too?).  I've seen members comment about how they are very special because of these works and what other church does this? etc.

    Community service projects are good,  yes.  And it's good of the wmscog to do them.  But to think you are the best or only ones doing such things?  Or that it's a sign that they are God's only true church?  Well…

    There are many groups (and churches!) out there doing such things, and they don't ask for such media attention.  The smaller groups may go unknown much by those beyond who they help.

    I thought maybe here we could compile a list of other groups doing community service.  Not necessarily to applaud and praise them (though they deserve it), but to show that the WMSCOG that they are not unique in this.

    Here are some:

    My husband's company has regular blood drives.  Several times a year the nurses come, set up their stations and collect blood from him and his co-workers.  They've been doing this for many years.

    My children's school participates in several projects.  Just a few for example, each year they pack shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, they collect food for a local food pantry, and they package meals for distributing to the needy.

    One church we know has outreaches to gang- and prostitute- infested areas and regular food giveaways.

    We have personally met missionaries who head up programs to help extremely poor children in Africa and India.

    A minister family member of ours founded and runs an orphanage in Honduras.

    Here's a Christian denomination that runs a disaster relief program (helping people regardless of denomination):

    Here's a program that many churches (and other groups) take part in to periodically help local people, schools, and communities:

    Let's keep adding to the list…

  • #59013


    I like the idea of this thread Genny…

    I know of a local company that will go give blood on a day that it is too rainy too work. They have also gone to subway and bought subs and then go and hand out the subs to the homeless.

    When my kids were in school, they also did the shoeboxes, Christmas hampers, food collections, collections for other shelters. We also collected school supplies for inner city kids/schools and raised donations for hot lunch programs for the schools with less fortunate students.

    I also know personally of a couple who has gone to third world countries on more than one occasion to help build schools.

    I’m sure there’s more but that is what comes to mind at the moment.

    We also donate regularly through our business for local fundraisers to support shelters of various needs.



    I think it should be noted the one they think is the antichrist is the works largest charity

    Here my grandma was part of an ecumenical ministry of like 5 churches that sent clean water to africa



    Africa?? Easy…, mate.



    Let's not forget the Boy Scouts of America…. they do tons of community service. But they observe "Scout Sunday," so they must have the mark of the beast.    :-p 



    They are evil for entirely different reasons ๐Ÿ™‚



    Simon wrote:

    They are evil for entirely different reasons ๐Ÿ™‚

    I belong to the Council formerly named for Robert E. Lee. I think our troop is going to seceede. 



    I recall this topic in another thread:

    There are links there for community service activities by Mormons, Scientologists and Moonies.



    When the society did community service, it wasnt to "help" the community, but to help the status of the church. Truly selfish. I remember one of the cleanup campaigns was in a really nice neighborhood that didnt even need the "help", but it sure looked good to all the rich people in the community. I remember once we were told a news station was coming, but we told not to say anything about the church of god, only mention the "we love you foundation"… at the time it didnt make sence.



    @donttrustzang: Strange things, isn’t it? Why not the mention of cog? Perhaps the hour had not come yet. 0_0. Smh.



    genny wrote:

    I recall this topic in another thread:

    There are links there for community service activities by Mormons, Scientologists and Moonies.

     Mormons, and Sci-Fi's, and Moonies, oh my! 



    see evil can do good 



    Simon, what's your beef with the Boy Scouts? Is it anything other than the higher-ups recent capitulations to liberalism? Before that, and still on a local level, I think it can be a fine organization. 



    Simon, what's your beef with the Boy Scouts? Is it anything other than the higher-ups recent capitulations to liberalism? Before that, and still on a local level, I think it can be a fine organization. 



    Here are some Christian organizations that help people and communities:

    Compassion International:

    World Vision:

    Samaritan's Purse:

    Catholic Charities:

    Episcopal Community Services:

    You should notice that these organizations make their financial records available, sometimes with just an online click.



    Here are some Christian organizations that help people and communities:

    Compassion International:

    World Vision:

    Samaritan's Purse:

    Catholic Charities:

    Episcopal Community Services:

    You should notice that these organizations make their financial records available, sometimes with just an online click.



    I drove past a church that was helping less fortunate people which wmscog does not do. All I know is the wmscog doesnt want anything to do with anyone (members included) who dont have a job. How Godly is that? Even Jesus said (I dont know the verse offhand) that He didnt have a place to lay His head.



    IrenaeusFTW wrote:

    Simon, what's your beef with the Boy Scouts? Is it anything other than the higher-ups recent capitulations to liberalism? Before that, and still on a local level, I think it can be a fine organization. 

    I think they are bigotted



    Disturbed wrote:

    I drove past a church that was helping less fortunate people which wmscog does not do. All I know is the wmscog doesnt want anything to do with anyone (members included) who dont have a job. How Godly is that? Even Jesus said (I dont know the verse offhand) that He didnt have a place to lay His head.

    I was never ostrosized when I didn't have a job, but either way a place to lie your head and a job are different concepts…


    but then even if they did 2 Thess 3:10For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat."



    So last week I saw the Cub Scouts (or maybe they were full Boy Scouts, I don't really know how to tell the difference) out at a nearby creek.  Know what they were doing?  Cleaning up litter.

    What I saw:

    – Heads bobbing around in their Scout caps

    – Bags of trash being set out for pick up

    – Both adults and children working together

    What I did not see:

    – A big banner advertising to the neighborhood who was doing this good deed

    – A camera crew recording the event

    – An internet article or youtube video with neighbors praising the Scouts for this job (I looked for it!)

    I have no connection with the Scouts whatever.  I just happened to come across them that day.



    The thing about the WMSCOG's community service is that they are more concerened about promoting their service rather than just doing it. Take for instance the banners they make. Why is there a need to make a banner for every little thing they do? Seriously?

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