
  • #60880


    The church is good for doing construction without proper paperwork…that’s what they do. Anytime they can cut corners and/or expenses they’re going to do it. I’m glad they’re being scrutinized by someone who has no personal interest in the church so they can’t claim persecution.





    12:31 am on Sunday, July 24, 2011

    Beliefs aside, this group's practices should be taken into consideration. This group deceptively recruits. The World Mission Society Church of God recruiters are not forth-coming with their beliefs or the organization's requirements. The time requirement of this organization is ridiculous! Have you noticed that this is an almost 24hour/day operation? Traffic and noise sometimes before 5am. There are still people leaving the building at 2am. Poor members don't realize that their recruitment model resembles a pyramid scheme that includes a quota.

    If they want to believe that a korean lady is the "mother god", that's up to them. If they want to believe that the world is going to end in 2012, that is their choice as well. But why would they want to invest money and time on noisy construction that will take through 2012, and maybe even longer to complete? Why not just rent existing property and use the rest of their members' hard earned money to tell the whole world that it's going to blow up soon? Taking into consideration that the leadership of this worldwide "religious" organization is made up of business men that own or are employed by a lucrative for-profit company called Big Shine Worldwide, Inc, one would expect that they would use their business know-how and opt for the more cost effective option. 







    “The applicant is not the property owner,” Williams said. “I think it’s highly unusual to have gone this far in the proceedings with incorrect information about who the applicant is.”

    Williams revealed that in May 2010 the property was sold to another World Mission Society organization for the sum of one dollar. 





    another WMS organization bought the property for $ 1.00   WOW!!!  so who is the new owner within the members?



    I wonder if that would affect property taxes (by selling it to someone or yourself for $1)



    property taxes are usually value based not cost based



    not being from New Jersey they could be different



    They could have deeded it without paying the $1…there has to be some reason for there to be a cost associated with the transfer of deed.



    Or maybe they changed hands from one WMSCOG corporation to another area’s WMSCOG corporation (example changed from NJ WMSCOG Corporation to Chicago WMSCOG corporation). Just throwing ideas out about why.



    WMSCOG LA was first and NY (Ridgewood) is second so maybe it spun out of LA?  (but that seems a bit strange but wmscog is no stranger to strange)



    who knows, but apparently their lawyer did not know it was sold for $ 1.00 in May 2010,

    Attorney David Rutherford said he was unaware of the transaction, as the property deed he’d been working with was from 2006, when Church of God originally purchased the property. 



    well we know they are up to something no matter what it is



    correct me if I'm wrong, but is not  Attorney David Rutherford  their lawyer that died?????


    Love'n Honey

    KF wrote:

    correct me if I'm wrong, but is not  Attorney David Rutherford  their lawyer that died?????








    renita.payno wrote:

    KF wrote:

    correct me if I'm wrong, but is not  Attorney David Rutherford  their lawyer that died?????



    Ahem!  Oops…. my bad ……that was John Dozier on August of 2012 RIP


    @Renita LOLZ




    They did this when they changed their name from World Mission Society Inc. to World Mission Society Church of God, A NJ Non-profit Corp.  I believe they sold the property for $1 in order for there to be consideration to make the transfer valid.  Read more about this here.  



    KF wrote:


    12:31 am on Sunday, July 24, 2011



    Beliefs aside, this group's practices should be taken into consideration. This group deceptively recruits. The World Mission Society Church of God recruiters are not forth-coming with their beliefs or the organization's requirements. The time requirement of this organization is ridiculous! Have you noticed that this is an almost 24hour/day operation? Traffic and noise sometimes before 5am. There are still people leaving the building at 2am. Poor members don't realize that their recruitment model resembles a pyramid scheme that includes a quota.

    If they want to believe that a korean lady is the "mother god", that's up to them. If they want to believe that the world is going to end in 2012, that is their choice as well. But why would they want to invest money and time on noisy construction that will take through 2012, and maybe even longer to complete? Why not just rent existing property and use the rest of their members' hard earned money to tell the whole world that it's going to blow up soon? Taking into consideration that the leadership of this worldwide "religious" organization is made up of business men that own or are employed by a lucrative for-profit company called Big Shine Worldwide, Inc, one would expect that they would use their business know-how and opt for the more cost effective option. 



    Did you guys get the meaning of that? While members were told the world would end in 2012, it is obvious that the leadership itself did not believe it. Why would you build something in an effort beyond the end of the world? I had thought the leaders themselves believed the end of the world story. The web gets thicker.



    Did NJ actually teach it?

    Also i remember pastor park explaining we must always plan as though the end isn’t near so we don’t slack and fall away

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