Ahnshahnhong 37 Years or 21 Years?

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  • #6751

    As wmscog says Ahnshahnhong preached for 37 years from 1948 when he was baptized in SDA(Seventh day adventist) till his death in 1985 +3 years of Jesus Christ’s preaching = 40 years reign of King David (the reason for his qualification of 2nd coming/ the root of david). I want to ask wmscog –

    Q1- why then he left SDA and opened a new church?

    Q1a-Was SDA doctrine wrong? If yes :Then why he got baptized in a wrong doctrine? Didn’t he know it already being 2nd christ? (Possible Answer)-May be he had no other way because no “true” church existed.

    Q1b-So why he took 16 years to open a new church? (Possible Answer)-Maybe because he had to do hard work (Stone carrying as shown in wmscog videos) for a living during the day and had little time in the night to write his books (why din’t Jesus write any book?).

    Q1c-So why did God put so much burden on his shoulders? (Not fair. 1st coming christ had only 1 assignment. Poor 2nd coming.)

    Q2- Was SDA right? Then why open a new doctrine?

    Q3-As Ahnshahnhong started a new church in 1964 and stared preaching new ways of Gospel, then he only scored 1964 to 1985 =21 years. So he comes short 16 years to be eligible for Christship. Oooops!! (Christship is a new word I discovered due to the need on the “new age”). (Possible Solution)-May be they can add sweet 16 years of ‘mother’ who must not be a mother at that age i guess and must be beautiful to qualify to be the bride of the Lamb/Ahnshahnhong/….(somebody please write here the name of Mother’s fist husband)!!

  • #41812


    Hi Oliver,

    All great questions. You’re right, that if he was in the SDA’s from 1948-1964, then this doesn’t count as part of his preaching. However, if I’m not mistaken, Ahnsahnghong was raised Buddhist, so he was actually in two “false” religions before supposedly preaching his “true” one.

    As for “mother’s” first husband, here is an article in Korean that purports to be written by him from what I can make out of the translation.


    Here’s the link to translate through google:

    Google translation from Korean to English

    If anyone reads Korean, I’d love to know more accurately what this article says.



    I sent this link to my friend in Korea. I hope to get a translation tomorrow. Good job finding this link. I hope to get more information direct from Korea as I think there is good information there we need to get out to the public. In Korea this cult is not considered a religion according to my friends there. It is, however, popular.



    thanks Don.

    do you know if your friend in Korea can find out anything about Zhang Gil-Jah’s family? She has to have some sort of family. I heard she has a sister?



    Hey Oliver 🙂

    You’ve got real good points about the years and the SDA link.

    I think the members I’ve talked to would say:

    1) He began preaching as soon as he was baptized even though he didn’t officially start the church until 1964. I don’t buy that. Why would he not start his ‘true church’ immediately?

    2)The SDA had some of the truth and was the best at the time, that’s why he was baptized with them. I don’t buy that either. If it still wasn’t the ‘true church’ why give it his approval by being baptized with them?


    Hailey Stevens

    In the article about Ahnshanghong coming up short on his 37 years, there is a link to the wms official website where Joo Cheol Kim says that the Passover was not preached until 1964. According to the wms, the reason they “know” that ahsahnghong is “god” is because he “restored” the passover and “fulfilled the prophecy of king david”(37 years + Jesus’s 3). But he cannot be “god” even according to their own self-manufactured prophecies if he didn’t “restore” the passover until 1964! Ahnsahnghong comes up 16 years short!



    Good points!  Here's another, for when the wmscog wants to claim that Ahn was preaching as soon as he was baptised, even if he didn't officially start his church until 1964….

    The wmscog is all about "copy and shadow" right?  If they are want to claim that the 40 years of David's rule was a shadow of the reign of the Messiah, 40 years–3 years for Jesus and 37 for Ahnsahnghong, show them 2 Samuel 5:5.  It comes right after their favorite verse for this, 2 Samuel 5:4…

    2 Sam. 5:4-5 "David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years.  In Hebron he reigned over Judah 7 years and 6 months, and in Jerusalem he reigned over all Israel and Judah thirty-three years."

    According to the wmscog's own theory of "copy and shadow," Jesus should have reigned 7 years and Ahn should have reigned 33 years.  Also, shouldn't Ahn have been baptized at 37 years old, because that's how old David was when he finally became king over all of Israel?



    Hailey Stevens wrote:

    In the article about Ahnshanghong coming up short on his 37 years, there is a link to the wms official website where Joo Cheol Kim says that the Passover was not preached until 1964. According to the wms, the reason they "know" that ahsahnghong is "god" is because he "restored" the passover and "fulfilled the prophecy of king david"(37 years + Jesus's 3). But he cannot be "god" even according to their own self-manufactured prophecies if he didn't "restore" the passover until 1964! Ahnsahnghong comes up 16 years short!

     wow i was not aware of this!



    Actually the website says kept not preahed



    shimon wrote:

    Actually the website says kept not preahed

    I saw that they used the word "celebrated".  But how do you restore something and then don't bother to celebrate it?  If the Passover is that important for your salvation, as the wms believes, how do you wait to celebrate it a few years later?  



    I dunno the context so there could be meaning in context

    I don’t mean to attempt to.validate wmscog but ncpcog has a book about passover from him in the fifties so I assume he himself attempted.to keep it sooner



    Didn't Herbert W. Armstrong claim that he restored the New Covenant Passover as well?



    No he keeps Old Covenant Feasts so it is a different situation.



    well not Old Covenant either some kinda hodgepodge adhoc thingie but it wasn't the same as ASH



    It looked the same to me.  Can you be more specific about how the Armstrong Passover differed from the ASH Passover?



    The differences are from what I found is foot washing ceremony and the other feasts allegedly restored are different

    I would also assume Armstrong used the pharisaic calendar rather than new moon



    I just read this post. If Ahn was the 2cc…why would be wait to restore the Passover from 1948-1964???? Makes no sense since Passover is so darn important. He should have began preaching about it immediately upon baptism. I’m guessing they chose the year 1964 to fit in with the sermon 7 churches. And makes no sense that he would worship in 2 false churches (Bhuddism $ SDA).

    In the King David subject we always taught that the first thing a king did during his reign was most important. So King David captured Zion as the first of his works. Ahn did not establish the Passover nor “mother” as the first of his works. He sat up in the SDA church from 1948-1964 before he started his own church



    I just read this post. If Ahn was the 2cc…why would be wait to restore the Passover from 1948-1964???? Makes no sense since Passover is so darn important. He should have began preaching about it immediately upon baptism. I’m guessing they chose the year 1964 to fit in with the sermon 7 churches. And makes no sense that he would worship in 2 false churches (Bhuddism $ SDA).

    In the King David subject we always taught that the first thing a king did during his reign was most important. So King David captured Zion as the first of his works. Ahn did not establish the Passover nor “mother” as the first of his works. He sat up in the SDA church from 1948-1964 before he started his own church


    Love'n Honey

    I'm not familiar with the 7 churches study. I've had it but don't remember much because of all the dates. Refresher?


    Love'n Honey

    I'm not familiar with the 7 churches study. I've had it but don't remember much because of all the dates. Refresher?



    He wrote about it by 1955 still not right away of course

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