Acts 4:10-12

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  • #6762

    [Originally posted by Adam on  August 1, 2011 5:57 PM under No Salvation Through Any Other Name and moved by admin to Forum]

    Isa 43:11 says there is no other Savior apart from Jehovah. Joel 2:32 refreshes this fact. Therefor, according to your human logic, we cannot be saved in the name of Jesus. Oh wait, Jesus is the name we are saved by after Jesus came. Hmm John16:24 Jesus says, “Until now you haven’t prayed in my name…” This indicates when Jesus came, the name of the savior changed because people were profaning the name Jehovah. It is the same now. There are people named jesus, and the name is tossed around like trash. Jesus even said he is coming with a new name rev3:12. I am starting to doubt you even went to the church as you haven’t studied savior of each age. Are you sure you just didn’t look online and make up your own opinions?

  • #42461


    It is clearly Yeho becuase of the way names that take the name append it at the front.



    You NEVER speak without vowel sounds…

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