Forum Rules, Regulations, and Take-Down Policy

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  • #6744

    This forum is meant to be a constructive place for discussing the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG). As such, it is governed by the following rules and regulations. Any content found to be in violation of these terms of service will be removed immediately, and your account may be banned without notice. To report a rules violation, please contact us from our Contact page, and include the URL to the post.  You may also PM the admin account.

    By posting you agree that you will:

    1. 1. Be respectful toward other members
    2. 2. Debate positions, not persons (e.g. do not commit ad hominems, do not make personal attacks)
    3. 3. Post only truthful content
    4. 4. Not post copyrighted material or material for which you do not have permission to post
    5. 5. Abide by all local, state, and federal laws in your area
    6. 6. Not use profanity
    7. 7. Not post obscene material


    If your posts are not showing up, they may have been inadvertantly flagged as spam.  You may contact the admin (as described above) if you think there may be an error.

    Please be advised that posts in this forum represent the opinion of their original authors only, and not necessarily the opinions or official positions of, it's ownership, or contributors.

  • #28360


    Yes each and every one should fallow the rules.



    Yes each and every one should fallow the rules.


    Jesus of Nazareth



    Jesus of Nazareth



    Ram Koirala

    Rules are rules. Must obey strictly


    Ram Koirala

    Rules are rules. Must obey strictly

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