Comments on: Did Constantine Abolish the Sabbath? An in depth look at the World Mission Society Church of God Thu, 14 Sep 2023 21:19:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: andy Thu, 14 Sep 2023 21:19:57 +0000 In reply to T.H..

Hi – I have been going through this topic in my mind for almost a year now and I just can’t seem to get a response that truly makes sense to me supporting the current Christian Sunday stuff. I can agree that Constantine, while perhaps didn’t try to change the Sabbath, he did set the edict and one is left wondering if this could be a simple trick of the devil to set the church off just a little. But also correct there were many others before that were pushing a separate day to celebrate than the Jews – Ignatious is a perfect example – from his writings I find a vile hatred of Jews and feel as if his desire to push a Sunday instead of Sabbath was nothing more than racism. I think the context of these early church aspirations should absolutely be taken and viewed as if the words from them were fruit from a tree and is that fruit good or bad? Lastly for now – I get that the laws of Moses were fulfilled by Jesus so they need not be followed, but the Commandments of God? Likewise – I believe that the blood of Jesus covers us for sin (not following the commandments), but I also believe that we must repent, and does repenting also include changing our behavior – and not changing our behavior a big problem? To compare – if we decide to take another god before GOD are we not sinning? and if we CONTINUE to do this might that be a huge problem for entry into heaven. i get there is a lot of grey area in this dispute, but frankly I don’t see much actual serious discussion. This one here is awesome – but overall on the internet and at church this is hardly if ever even discussed. In a way it is almost like Santa Claus to me – something that has been engrained into the mind of society as being cute, not harmful, and good to follow, but holy cow – what are the unintended implications of lying to your children about the meaning of Christmas, or having them believe in a false character that pushes materialism, or a character that uses magic to accomplish things, I could go on, but I will leave with sending you all here a blessing and I hope to receive really good feedback as I am truly trying to find the truth here.

By: T.H. Tue, 22 Aug 2017 14:35:09 +0000 In reply to Truth.

Well Truth, this is a very good regurgitation of the spoon fed teachings of the WMSCOG. It is very obvious that you have researched this topic that you have been taught within the influences of the group so that any information you’ve learned doesn’t conflict with what you’ve been taught to believe. Most of us here prefer to follow the example set by Jesus the Christ instead of some group that stole teachings from another group (SDA). Jesus is the Christ (even your group claims this) but the WMS decides to make a copy cat and worship him as Christ. The Bible teaches there is one God but the WMS makes up a whole other god for you to worship. As for your supposed rock solid teaching of the Sabbath being Saturday; Jesus said, “I am the Lord of the Sabbath.” Do you not believe the Bible? Is there any reason why you should not believe Jesus? After the resurrection Jesus established His Sabbath! We are no longer condemned by the curse of the Law. Your group is going backwards and trying to live under the Law which condemns us all to death. You are so busy worshipping the god of Saturn (Saturday) that you are missing out on the Son! Don’t come here with your feeble, pathetic, hole filled spoon fed teachings acting as if you are some kind of authority of others. You claim “Truth” at least in name. You really need to find the Truth before you come here with your judgment! Jesus set the example. You really need to seek truth from His example!

By: Truth Mon, 21 Aug 2017 02:16:54 +0000 They actually do teach about all the nations under Rome its called Daniels revelation. Stop making stuff up. The 7th day is the sabbath of rest it’s clearly the 7th day. Just because they broke break on the first day does not make it holy. Where does it say “because you have broken bread with the churches on the first day god blessed and made it holy” ? IT DOSENT. Above you said the day of Pentecost was celebrated on the day after the sabbath, Sunday. The first day. So you basically admitted that the 7th day is the sabbath day you fool. If your insistence was correct they would have been celebrating Pentecost on The sabbath which you say is sunday. but they clearly celebrated Penticost the day after the sabbath dumb dumb. So 7th is the sabbath day. Honestly you need to do some history research. I research every topic and everything adds up if you look at factual dates and not writings That aren’t found in the Bible. You can’t even discern the 7th from 1st day in clear context. Why should anyone take spiritual advice from you

By: PrinzDavid66 Thu, 23 Jun 2016 03:08:34 +0000 In reply to what is truth.

Actually it is Daniel7v25 He will change Gods set laws and times. The Sabbath Day and the Passover were laws of God with a set time. By changing the day of rest to Sunday and abolishing the Passover Constitine erased salvation from earth. Luke4v16 say it was Jesus’ custom to keep the Sabbath and in John15v10 He says He kept ALL of His Fathers commands. Apostle Paul kept the Sabbath and Hebrews chapter 4 is titled A Sabbaths Rest for the People of God and it goes into detail of the 7th day. The earthly Sabbath rest is a shadow of the Heavenly rest and that if you don’t enter God’s rest on earth you won’t enter it in Heaven.

If you look up the word salvation it means to be delivered from danger. The ultimate danger we all face is our souls burning in hell. In the Bible only ONE thing delivers us from danger and it’s in Exodus12v10-13 God Himself explains the Passover means disasters pass over you. In Jerimiah31v31 God says He would change the Passover to the new covenant which Jesus did in Marks upper room on the night of the Passover. Even 1Corintians5v7 say Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed AND let us keep THIS FESTIVAL, THE PASSOVER.

You bringing up Melchezidek shows that like so many of the Sunday Christians you know the words of the Bible but don’t understand their meaning. Jesus didn’t fulfill Melchezidek because he had JEWISH geaneology, scripture says Melchezidek had NONE! The only geaneology that means anything in the Bible is Jewish ancestory so everyone else is considered a Gentile, meaning the order if Melchezidek MUST be fulfilled by a GENTILE! This is one of the many things that helped me believe Christ Ahnsahnhong is the 2nd coming of Christ. He brought back salvation, the New Covenant Passover and fulfilled the order of Melchezidek.

By: Kyran S. Mon, 21 Sep 2015 02:08:31 +0000 In reply to dumbasswmscogmembers.

It’s never been said in the church that God doesn’t bless those who aren’t Korean baptised. You just made that up. The church allows people of all nationalities be baptised by deacons and pastors of all nationalities.

By: what is truth Thu, 07 May 2015 22:35:15 +0000 Daniel 7:5?? C’mon, buddy! Daniel is a convenient tool against anyone who doesn’t know their history very well, which is most people. There were more than 10 nations under Rome. Look into it! But will the WMSCOG tell you that? Nope!

And when your pastor, during the sermon, tries to prove Jehovah’s witnesses wrong, does that give him salvation? How about the 7 day Adventists? Or the Mormons? No problem if your “church” judges other organisations, but rain down fire on anyone who judges your organization?? There is a special place for hypocrites as well, not only your so called “law breakers”. Then I say to you, be careful with how you judge, because you will also be judged… on sites like this most likely.

Did you know that Jesus DID fulfill all conditions of the Melchizedek? Even “without genealogy”? I bet not. There are many things you would never question, in fact. You have fallen asleep. Keep your head in ALL situations… especially now, when you think you are safe!!

By: dumbasswmscogmembers Thu, 07 May 2015 11:31:26 +0000 In reply to jseldkfld.

when you know your so called god don’t bless those who is not korean baptised why do u say god bless you and try to be bigger person?

By: Mountainmom Sat, 02 May 2015 14:45:05 +0000 You talk about research like it’s a bad thing! I have heard from someone in the WMS that Scientology is a cult. Did you know that Scientology leaders told members not to research or listen to or look at ANYTHING at all that was negative to Scietology? One guy on the documentary “Going Clear” said he followed their advice and didn’t look at anything or listen to anything negative about that group for 35 years! When he did, he saw that so called “church” for what it is. Every one of the former members who were in that documentary wished they had researched, listened, and looked. The WMS is no different in that aspect. You should research. You owe it to yourself. You owe it to your family too.

By: jseldkfld Fri, 24 Apr 2015 03:57:26 +0000 You certainly judge the church by what you’ve researched. It’s in the bible.. Revelation 22:19 ” And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.” No one can add or subtract.

Daniel 7:5
“He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time”

And can your research and trying to prove you’re right and proving the church is wrong give you salvation? You are just wasting your time.
And have you even tried to be a member? But maybe you’ve judge first.
Knowing God is not only by Commonsense.. but with Heart and Mind. You will just keep other people confused and slander them from the Truth. Take a look on the books you’ve been reading about Christianity, It’s not the bible that their occurring to but their own point of view.
Lies upon lies you say. People distort the Good from the Bad.. And Bad from the Good.
More people just don’t accept the truth. How will you know the truth if you never tried? :\ But when Jesus came the first time people persecuted him because of his beliefs in fact they disliked him for establishing a cult. And so far the same situation is happening again. People value the old rules from the new ones.
And probably you are going to argue with me with your own point of view.
But anyways GOD bless you. 🙂

By: remco9519 Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:00:52 +0000 WMSCOG is excellent in deliberate misinterpretation and deliberate distortion of facts and events. Deceptive organizations as WMSCOG are happy in making lies after lies and upon lies.
