1988 End Of The World Flyer
This article is dedicated to a young woman whose brother is caught up in the WMSCOG. May he and his family soon return to Jesus Christ.
After first discovering the 1988 doomsday flyer and documenting the World Mission Society Church of God’s attempts at damage control over this issue, it became clear that it deserved a second look.
The Flyer
Church of God Ahn Sahng Hong Witnesses Association, was an early name used by Ahn Sahng Hong’s church (the man the WMSCOG claims was their founder, a claim they share with the NCPCOG). While the authenticity of the flyer can not be confirmed, there are a number of factors which provide corroboration to support that it is in fact authentic:
- Ahn Sahng Hong predicted the end of the world in 1988 in his own book.
- Some of the arguments in this flyer are still used by WMSCOG members today (e.g. the argument about Israel or fleeing to Zion).
- The wording and tone of the flyer mirror very closely the language of some WMSCOG members today.
- The WMSCOG has a Bible Study called “Jonah’s Prophecy” where they try to excuse Ahn Sahng Hong’s 1988 prediction, so they themselves in their own study attest to Ahn Sahng Hong’s 1988 prediction.
Tinged with Seventh Day Adventist folklore, the flyer pleads with the reader to flee to “Zion, the city of our appointed feasts“. In typical SDA and WMSCOG fashion, they cannot help but take a parting shot at established Christianity with overly dramatic language like “you have got deceived“, “ravenous wolves“, “tricks“, and “incredible rumors“.
The most hypocritical line of all, “one who deceives one thing is a man who deceives everything“. The World Mission Society Church of God’s teachings are very much at odds with what Ahn Sahng Hong believed. The WMSCOG’s doctrine is so much at odds that they have had to delete entire chapters from Ahn Sahng Hong’s books in order to keep up the “mother god” charade. It is incomprehensible that anyone would believe in the teachings of such a deceptive organization.
If One Thing Is Wrong, It Is All Wrong
For an organization that claims to be led by the “mother god”, a woman living in Korea named Zahng Gil Jah who is also the Chairperson of the International We Love U Foundation, the WMSCOG has some glaring problems with their claims:
- Ahn Sahng Hong Never Believed in a Mother God
- Ahn Sahng Hong’s Failed Prophecies Removed From His Writings Over Time
- Ahn Sahng Hong’s References to the “Second Coming” of Jesus Removed From His Writings Over Time
- Ahn Sahng Hong Blatantly Contradicted Scripture
More End of the World Speak
In 2005, a South Korean Court documented the WMSCOG’s numerous failed doomsday predictions. Numerous online platforms, new and old, have documented the WMSCOG’s most recent failed 2012 doomsday prediction. The WMSCOG keeps predicting the end of the world and keeps getting it wrong.
There is a difference between a false prophet, and the mercy of God. [this comment has been moved to the forum for further discussion].
Wow, this is crazy! Can’t wait to see what will happen at the end of this year.
THIS CHURCH IS SOOOO FAKE, WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP ATTENDING, I WASTED 11 years of my life with these liars!!! Only to find out that The supoosed God the mother is divorced and has children, lies and more lies, thank you Jesus for getring me outta there!
@former member…very nice of you, you have the guts to research unlike other members who already perhaps submit themselves to anything WMSCOG tells them. You have again redeemed your spiritual welfare. 11 years and you’re lucky you didn’t die while with WMSCOG.