Comments on: 10 Mistakes The World Mission Society Church of God Likely Wishes They Never Made An in depth look at the World Mission Society Church of God Wed, 16 Aug 2023 22:28:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: bethebeauty Mon, 03 Apr 2023 20:19:25 +0000 In reply to Anonymous.

You’re wrong because they were teaching their new “family”, “The Bible only predicts that Jesus will rise, not that our father and mother god will not die.”
In Case You’re wondering how I know, I just joined this church a week ago and they said that.

By: Anonymous Fri, 09 Dec 2022 05:59:25 +0000 Ah yes! Many of these were things that helped break the spell of blind faith. Especially the tax and financial documents. I remember being utterly appalled when I read the reason for starting the church. I thought, how could pastor write such blasphemy on the tax form! And then in the financial documents it said that members were paid for caring for the children. Well I was in the kids room for years and I never saw a penny. It was our blessing, our mission, we didn’t expect to get paid. But what I realized is that the church was/is engaging in tax fraud.

About number 10, I’ve been wondering how they were going to play that. She’s getting closer to the end of her life. We were absolutely told that she would never die. That we would go up to heaven alive with her (if we were the 144,000). For that reason I have been waiting for her death ever since I left the church. I don’t mean that in a malicious way. Of course I don’t wish an early death on anyone. What I mean is I’ve been waiting for her death because her dying would prove she isn’t God. Sometimes I have moments where for a second I become paralyzed with fear because of the thought I was wrong for leaving, and that it all really is the truth. I don’t know if that will ever go away. Maybe it just takes time. But if she were to die, no, when she dies, everything else topples. I feel like I’ll be free.

By: joel gustavo oda calle Mon, 06 Jun 2022 04:57:09 +0000 omg this is perfect!, the part 10, now they will soon teach that zahng will die like all humans jajajajaja, and that they never teached 144000 will ascend alive!
