"if your going to persecute ones faith shouldn't you give a legit alternative"

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  • #7379

    This comment was originally posted in response to "'Problems With New Jerusalem, The Bride, and Women's Veils' by Ahnsahnghong" on 6/9/13.

    Elijah writes:

    So what/who is the bride?.. if your going to persecute ones faith shouldn't you give a legit alternative. I'm sure you don't want to join in on being a "slanderer", if your going to make a whole website about one church and thier faith you better give better reason and example then this..Titus 2:9-11.

    If you don't agree with ones belief keep it to yourself, now please show an example of how I took this verse out of context.. i'll wait.

  • #62715


    144000, based on your response I would suggest that YOU then take your own advice and follow Jesus Christ! I ask once again for you to show me/us anywhere in the Bible that Jesus taught about a mother god. You are failing to do this and there is a very clear and obvious reason for it. IT'S NOT THERE! You will NEVER find a place in the Word of God where Jesus taught anybody about a mother god. Time to wake up and come into a true faith based on a true savior Jesus the Christ.



    When the WMSCOG go out and preach they preach mother. When and where did the disciples ever preach about mother? They didn't. They preached about Jesus.  You are preaching a different gospel then what the disciples preached. Jesus never explained about there being any mother the enitire time he was with the people. You twist scripture to make it "seem" like there's a god the mother. Even I can preach about mother well. I can explain it clearly the way I was taught in the WMSCOG. But see, there isn't a god the mother. So I'd only be preaching a different gospel. I can go up to someone and explain it. Only because I have studied so hard to try and convince myself of a lie. I have been trained and programmed to preach by the WMSCOG's rules. Eaxctly the way they sound. You can even test me. I'l do a whole post about preaching this mother subject… I am like a dam computer. I can even add some of "F&M's sacrafice" to it.

    It's called behavior control, information control, thought control, and emotional control.



    144000 wrote:

    Apostle Paul said that none of the Churches of God have any different doctrines. He says directly through that: there is a one true church. He also says explicitely that anyone who preaches a different gospel be eternally condemned.

    How did we go from a unified church, of which contentious and unstable people where explicitely criticized…

    Why don't you look at the history of your own church and how Ahn first became an SDA and then broke away to form his own church? That introspection should answer your question.

    To the kind of mindset where "different" denominations is "okay"?

    Did God say "you can choose to follow peter, or you can choose to follow paul, or you can choose to follow Christ?" NO HE DID NOT.

    He rebuked such foolish hippocrits and told them very sternly, Is Christ Divided?

    Good points. I commend you. God did not say it is OK to follow Ahn. God also said not to divide Christ. Unfortunately the wmscog has done exactly that. God did not say follow mother either.

    But it is plain and clear to see where such contentious and delusional people come from.

    They say "stop looking for the truth"

    They say "Stop trying to find the perfect group!" Quote, forum member Joshua.

    Joshua or anyone else here did not say, "stop looking for the truth." This is exactly the kind of misquoting you do and put words in people's mouths. Joshua is right in saying the second part. That is because there are 40000 plus groups saying they are perfect and none of them actually are. If we were perfect, we would be in heaven. However, a large majority of these groups do point to jesus alone for our salvation. Yours, on the other hand, points to two people, one of whom is dead and the other hasn't shown any credentials to prove she is god. Your only proof is that Ahn said she is, which is not good enough because Ahn, though an author of many books, neglected to put that in writing. In fact, the only piece of writing he left for posterity regarding mother god, stands squarely against your case as evidence.

    Then they advocate more personal opinions, and more man-made teachings, they say "go and discover for yourself, make up your own opinions!" They say "Work out your own salvation" Quote, forum member Joshua.

    Thank you for proving exactly where bad interpretations and man-made deceptions come from.

    I am personally not an advocate of personal interpretation of scripture and firmly believe that it is the single cause of the 40000 plus denominations. However, when examining a church's doctrine, one needs to test the doctrines against the backbone of scripture. On that scale, the wmscog comes up false.



    How can the WMSCOG call themselves the "true" church when they call themselves a "New Religion". If they were just the old church restored why are they new. What's new about it? There are other churches that have a mother god. There are other churches with a false Christ. The bible testifies there is nothing new under the sun.

    Ecc 1:9-10 Is there anything of which one can say,

        “Look! This is something new”?

    It was here already, long ago;

        it was here before our time.


    What has been will be again,

        what has been done will be done again;

        there is nothing new under the sun.

    10 Is there anything of which one can say,

        “Look! This is something new”?

    It was here already, long ago;

        it was here before our time.




    They mean new from our perspective 




    just what is good in worshipping a dead man, who when even while still alive can not even create a fly.  just what is good in assigning a nationality to GOD., just what is good in worshipping a korean lady who is not even chaste but have had stories of broken marriage.  and what is good in attributing to GOD a wife appointed by WMSCOG?  they cannot be called a religious entity because there is no more true god in their worship.they can be called cult yet a cult can still have the true god in it.  this group is not a cult, not a religion but most appropriate a syndicated criminal organization.  

    the god of eternity is the god of old, the god of today is the god of old, his commandments remain through the ages until he carry out the hour of reckoning. and on that day, not a deed as small as a grain of sand can hide.

    This group preys on christians because they can manipulate easy the foundation of christianity, the bible which is full of ambiguity, errors, contradictions, additions, subtractions from generations to generations.  WMSCOG however may opt not to prey on Muslims, because no man nor organization as WMSCOG can cause harm to the foundation of Islam – the Truth.



    Now, now, don't blame mother, she is just a city. Should a city be faithful to just one man? A city is for everyone, remco.~


    I like it how AhnSahnghong didn't perform any miracles, because he was supposed not to!

    Amazing excuse.

    And he was just a buddhist for a while, only to confuse satan.

    Ah, it gives me a headache. I feel a migrane coming from the east.




    Kind of interesting, when you try to talk to a wms member about alternatives, they often seem to say, "Well, where do you think I should go to church then?"  That is a trap.  If  you offer any other religion, such as Methodist, Lutheran, etc., they have an argument ready that they were trained for.  However, I offered the member I said to the member I was talking to,"How about a non-demoninational church, where you can just go and worship God without affiliation?"  They don't have an argument for that as of now other than they just can't be saved at all unless they go to the wms Zion.  I agree with what someone basically said on here before:  Your relatinship with God is not a religion or a building. 



    remco9519 wrote:

    just what is good in worshipping a dead man, who when even while still alive can not even create a fly.  just what is good in assigning a nationality to GOD., just what is good in worshipping a korean lady who is not even chaste but have had stories of broken marriage.  and what is good in attributing to GOD a wife appointed by WMSCOG?  they cannot be called a religious entity because there is no more true god in their worship.they can be called cult yet a cult can still have the true god in it.  this group is not a cult, not a religion but most appropriate a syndicated criminal organization.  

    the god of eternity is the god of old, the god of today is the god of old, his commandments remain through the ages until he carry out the hour of reckoning. and on that day, not a deed as small as a grain of sand can hide.

    This group preys on christians because they can manipulate easy the foundation of christianity, the bible which is full of ambiguity, errors, contradictions, additions, subtractions from generations to generations.  WMSCOG however may opt not to prey on Muslims, because no man nor organization as WMSCOG can cause harm to the foundation of Islam – the Truth.

    Hello friend. If you were to point out ambiguities in the bible, you would somehow end up realizing that those ambiguities are in the old testament. I believe the Quranic law is also from the old testament, the God of old you speak about. While you point with one finger at Christians, the other fingers are pointing back at you.

    How do you explain away the ambiguity that Islam is a religion of peace and yet it demands killing of Kafirs – those who belong to other religions? How do you explain why Muslim countries will not allow a person to practice his own religion in peace? How do you explain why a Muslim is not allowed to change his religion due to a personal choice? Obviously the country you are from is not a Muslim country because you freely switched from Muslim to Christian and back to Muslim. Would you have been able to do that in a Muslim country? Shouldn't the Truth prevail through God's act rather than it being forced on people by government on pain of death? If it is the real Truth why is it enforced with violence?



    I want to address the issue of the topic that this thread was started with. If we're trying to bring someone out of something shouldn't we provide an alternative? NO! That's right folks, I said NO! Why would I say this you might be asking? Here's the logic: If someone was about to step out into the street and you saw that they were going to get hit by a bus would you suggest that getting hit by a car might not be so bad? These folks have already been convinced that every other church is bad and doesn't have the truth so an suggested alternative is going to be viewed as just stepping in front of another object that is likely to crush them. The WMSCOG has already thrown these folks under the bus. Don't expect these people to step in front of a car as well. If they want to go somewhere then I would simply suggest a non-denominational Christian church but at the same time I would let them know that for a while they are going to be looking for flaws in everything. Will they really be seeking God at this point? If they are aware of this they will be better suited to overcome it and return to a normal and more satisfying life sooner rather than later. For those of us that are Christians we really want our loved ones to come back to church with us however, this may not be a possibility for quite a while. Be patient, be kind, and over all be loving. No one stays in a cult forever!




    By my own experience, I do concur with your argument of not suggesting someone who just came out of the WMS with any alternative. First is, yes, they will see no other church as a solution to the problems they got into. I do remember a conversation with my significant other where this very same subject was discussed and there was no room whatsoever for an alternative. These folks at WMS really tainted every other church in their member's head. Satan is everywhere but in WMS according to them.  

    Members have invested too much time and effort in their, supposed, salvation through this group that anything of a lesser demand will be unsatisfying to their needs. And, that feeling will continue until they calibrate and balance their thought process and begin to understand what has happened to them. Imagine an ex-convict coming out of jail from serving a 5 year sentence, same situation. 

    They need to be away from every and all sort of religious groups and conversations for a while and the family member must not insist, otherwise it might trigger them to go back to their abuser (WMS). Conversations about what they went through will need to be put on hold until they are ready to talk about their experience. 

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