Looks like it's rubbing off

  • #61141


    Yes. However, we are talking about a church who claims to be God in the flesh coupled with loads of inconsistencies- loads of it. If they are who they say they are, which they are 100 percent not, then their handler will have a different approach toward its ex-members. It is not one or two people but a lot of people who have been impacted by the one in question here.



    True that Sarah2013!  I was comparing how the churches who "believe in God" are now suing former members, like really!


    Check this out, it seems like everyone is trying to erase JESUS name.  What is this world coming to? How can the gospel be preached till the ends of the earth and then the end will come if the Gospel is being changed?



    Love'n Honey

    Honestly, I've never heard of a church bringing up lawsuits against anyone I came to this site. As I researched, it's happened many times. I really thought that out of all the people in America, churches would never sue someone. How can you save someone if you're suing them? That's how I thought. It breaks my heart that it's more common than I hoped. I read a case where a former member was sued; I didn't read the entire thing. Her problem was that she didn't provide evidence for her facts which was hard because they were things that she saw.

    I shared on my FB page about the Snyder v Phelps case: The Westboro Baptist Church [WBC] picketted a soldier's funeral saying God hates fags, You're going to hell, etc. The family of the soldier sued WBC and initially won the case. The WBC submitted an appeal which the court ruled in favor of the church. Even these kinds of picketts are protected under the 1st Amendments rights.

    People taking a church to court.. the church taking people to court.. madness!



    The USA might as well take out the "IN GOD WE TRUST" they print on every bill that's made, because they don't trust God they have Forgotten him!  They rather please man than respect and honor God, and they Have forgotten what once made the United States of America a place like no other.  God is being removed from alot of places lately!  No wonder his wrath will come upon us.


    Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

    Read more: http://foxnewsinsider.com/2013/06/02/air-force-removes-%E2%80%9Cinspirational%E2%80%9D-painting#ixzz2V5OQpMZk 





    Let's see….what countries shut up political critics?  Freedom loving ones or the other end of the spectrum?



    @ Storm: Yes dear. Don’t be surprised really. Remember “In God We Trust” also written on the back of a one dollar bill, has other messages. Grab a one dollar bill and look up the words and images you see on the back of it, especially those to your left as you view it. So the question really is which in God do we trust – get it?

    Did you recently see the fagot who chopped up a soldier with a machete? A soldier who was just minding his business.


    Love'n Honey




    The United states was never a particularly Christian nation.until Jackson we only had one Christian president and in God we trust was only added to money and the pledge of allegiance to make us appear better than communists

    We are not strangers to misusing God



    Simon, when was “In God we trust” added?



    Renita, dear. That’s a long story and my specialty of interest. ๐Ÿ™‚



    Paper money first got it in 1957

    The pledge of allegiance added under God in 54


    Love'n Honey

    I'm interested in the Illuminati but also afraid. Lol. What if Zahng is a member?? Lol.. I'm just being silly.


    Love'n Honey

    You know how they have those videos on YouTube playing famous songs in reverse and hearing "curses" and "demonic stuff"? I wonder what you would hear if played the Zahng and GP's sermons backwards. Lol.



    Like Obama's "Yes we can!" ? ๐Ÿ˜€

    I have to try it, only this time with "We Love You!" It's just as catchy and sinister.

    In all fairness, I never really got into the worship songs they all listen. They sound the same to me, each one praising Zahng.

    What happened to the father!??! Elohim was supposed to be plural! >:|


    Love'n Honey

    Lol! Yea. Do "We Love U!". You'll probably hear "Evil me! Evil me! Evil me!"



    Yeah, It's all about the "mother" now, I no longer hear ashsuhnghongs name anymore in my loved ones pleas for me to join their group. It's really geting more and more about zahng and how this year 2104,  is mothers year to "come out" to the world…



    She's decided to come clean in 2014??

    How wonderful ๐Ÿ™‚ I doubt the members will take it very well, though.]

    I can tell you why you don't hear the name of ahn anymore ๐Ÿ™‚

    Cause it's a secreeeeeet :DDDD




    OMG!! THANK YOU Fried Rice!!!!! I really needed a laugh today and that, well, it made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!



    fried rice wrote:

    Like Obama's "Yes we can!" ? ๐Ÿ˜€

    I have to try it, only this time with "We Love You!" It's just as catchy and sinister.

    In all fairness, I never really got into the worship songs they all listen. They sound the same to me, each one praising Zahng.

    What happened to the father!??! Elohim was supposed to be plural! >:|

     Where would your focus be if you were running things and if your house was built upon sand?



    Questioninginla wrote:

     Where would your focus be if you were running things and if your house was built upon sand?

    Errm, dunno. I guess I would be concerned with keeping the sea out of my sand castle.

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