Why cant Mother God leave Korea?

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  • #8128

    Everyday I have more and more questions and things that dont make sense. I still cant believe this cult is still going. Anyways lets start with the first question: If Mother God is superhuman u know being God and all why cant she leave Korea? Also what does she do to suffer for us? Such a joke.

  • #73608

    Brian Taylor

    Just giving you the answer that a devout member would give you: because the prophecy says that her children will fly to her “on clouds, like doves” ( a single, out of context verse from Isaiah, if memory serves me correctly)


    Mayor and Mike

    Hmm… idk….

    She can't travel because…

    she has a criminal record?


    Mayor and Mike

    Good question though. If something where to happen to her, it would prove the falsehood of the church. When I was in Korea, her travels and movements around where done very carefully. She made her appearances here and there. She needs to stay where it's safe. And she needs to fulfill their explanations of prophecies. 



    Brian thats what I was looking for was a verse. I know that would be their answer but it still doesnt answer the question. Why dont more people question this? If I were a member and got vague answers or the run around on questions I would leave out of frustration.



    I still dont get how she suffers for us or how she fulfills prophecy?? Besides Gal 4:26 & Rev 22:17…not enough to support her being God!


    Mayor and Mike

    There were all those verses from Isaiah. 

    You heart will swell with joy

    Jerusalem, city lashed by storms not comforted

    Heavenly Father (Sahng) will abandon and turn his face from Jerusalem.


    Where were those verses and teachings again? I forget…


    Mayor and Mike

    Jerusalem (Zhang) will be the praise of the earth

    (Zhang) is the Ark of the covenant

    Red Heifer being burned on the altar

    There's lots btw…


    Brian Taylor

    Abba, there are a few singular verses they show to answer that question. I can only speak from my own experience but by the time they revealed to me that zahng was supposedly god on earth, they had already shown me all the other more impressive prophesies so by that time a single verse was all it took. Any remnant of skepticism was gone at that point


    Abhigail Delema

    Iwas told that jesus never went to other countries to preach. so mpther need not go anywhere.Supriseingly they thought me and showed me a vedio that father went to China and never returned.


    Mayor and Mike

    I remember seeing that video, ASH took the train. I think it was supposed to show he went preaching to another country. So with the Korean group mentality then the current members are motivated to go out and preach in another country.



    I saw that video too. They told me that when he said he was going to China he really meant he was going to Heaven thats why he didn’t return.

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