WHAT AHNSAHNGHONG WROTE "Jesus' wife is not Mother" forbidden text and why it'

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  • #8072

    This is a last resort…i am forced to use their own founder’s text though i believe he’s the #1 false prophet. They trust Sahng…ok… Then WMS members, believe what Sahng actually wrote. In the forbidden book about the woman’s veil, the new Jerusalem and the bride which Sahng published… (The reason you are not allowed to read it is because it says Gil is not God or Mother-sahng wrote the wife of Jesus was NOT spiritual Sarah (Jerusalem) or Mother. To preface-no, don’t believe something because a false prophet says it (there is no bigger false prophet than ahnsahnghong, and he also didn’t prove this-he simply said it). Sahng wrote in that veil book “spiritual Sarah cannot be both the spiritual mother and wife of Jesus.” He also wrote in the book “spiritual Sarah IS the spiritual Mother of Jesus.” Sahng emphatically said Isaac was Jesus Christ, the seed referred to in Galatians. I’ll admit Isaac was Jesus-I’m pretty sure about it. (Other churches say Isaac was Jesus also). This is to get WMS members out only. (Please don’t believe something because a false prophet said it). But WMS members-Gil will not let you read that veil book because it explicitly says Jesus’ wife is not God or Mother. Sahng directly said “the idea of Jerusalem, spiritual Sarah being both the wife of Jesus and the Mother of Jesus is scandalous/absurd,” but Sahng did say “spiritual Sarah is the spiritual Mother of Jesus Christ (Isaac).” Final resort: Sahng wrote about it in the Law of Moses, law of Christ book too… Describing it as “the woman in revelation 12 who bore the child snatched up to God’s throne will bear the remnant in the last days.” Sahng then said “as Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, so will the remnant be born of the Holy Spirit.” Sahng interpreted the child snatched up to God’s throne as being Jesus in the same passage… For the rest of the world: don’t believe what a false prophet says-sahng wrote there was no Father-he was athiest-don’t listen to him. For WMS members-if you’re gonna trust one of them, trust Sahng not Gil. (However i have told you over and over that ahnsahnghong was the Antichrist not the true Christ. Ahnsahnghong was not Jesus Christ-ahnsahnghong was the #1 false prophet. However members-go ahead and believe Sahng over Gil. Believe what he wrote! Sahng said Jesus’ wife is not Mother or God. That is true! Even if Jesus had a wife, she is not Mother or God! Pick the lesser of the 2 evils-you can’t believe in Gil without believing in sahng. Then believe what Sahng wrote! Sahng wrote “Jesus’ wife cannot be God or Mother.” You need to understand Sahng was sent to earth to trick Joo and Gil into revealing themselves as false prophets. Yeah sahng took the wedding picture with Zahng Gil Jah. He also made sure to write “Gil is not Mother or God.” Gil won’t let you read this book because if you studied it, then you would know she’s lying. Zahng Gil Jah really WANTS to be God-she WANTS to be worshipped and idolized. I repeat-don’t trust ahnsahnghong, he was the biggest FALSE prophet and liar to walk the planet… However WMS members-see that Zahng Gil Jah is lying and get out of WMS!

  • #72978


    I’ll admit, out of the 3-Joo Zahng and Sahng-sahng is the “good guy.” However that is comparing satan to satan lol. Sahng was very kind as far as i know… You could even maybe say “sahng was on God’s side,” but I’m not sure. Because of him Joo and Gil are revealed as liars and deceivers… Sahng never did write that he was Jesus. He was very smart and made it look like that… But he never proclaimed that or wrote it. Almost every line in all of Sahng’s writings is a lie… Sahng was way smarter than most people… He probably knew who he was-he shined light… He probably was Buddhist before, hence enlightenment. (WMS will never admit to that, though sometimes they admit Sahng was probably raised Buddhist…at least they admit Buddhism was everywhere around him because it was Asia where he grew up). I will openly admit i started off as Buddhist, though not as a religion. I was reading zen and Buddhist books by time i was 13 (before i started reading the Bible). I am fallible. (I also used forms of meditation to see past what WMS says…). I’m just telling you what your founder wrote WMS. I am a strict unwavering monotheist. I was studying the female image of God, reading books about it, by time i was 18-long before WMS preached to me or i had even heard of WMS…i studied every religion on the planet the last 2 years… They all emphasize the female side, except for Islam which is genderless… Even Jews emphasize the female side, calling it the “Shekinah…” Sahng was athiest/a polytheist. I am an emphatic monotheist, but believe whatever you want as long as you don’t think Zahng Gil Jah is God. That would be sad if God was like Gil… No mercy and not enough love to guarantee Heaven, but plenty of wrath to guarantee hell or perishing…



    I would trust ahnsahnghong over Zahng Gil Jah and Joo Cheol Kim ANY DAY. WMS members, i suggest you do the same at least. I would advise you to just trust God who wrote the Bible, and just read the Bible for yourself. I would advise not trusting Sahng as he was NOT Jesus or God. Just get out of WMS and figure out what you believe later.



    Don’t trust ahnsahnghong because he was a liar and a false prophet. But go with what Sahng said over Zahng Gil Jah-at least sahng didn’t take time and money…it would be better just to STAY AWAY FROM ANY DOCTRINE WMS or ahnsahnghong GAVE!



    Islamic texts simply don’t address the matter of the gender of God, but usually say “us” or “we” just like the Bible said “let us make man.” (It’s Muslims that emphasize the genderless theory… Not their text itself…). The similarities of every religion and every religious “myth,” or text is striking…(I’ve read almost every text readily available online or in books-all I’ve done for 2 years is study WMS texts and every other religious text on the planet lol). WMS ADMITS the other religions also knew parts of what really happened, and made stories about it…(the same stories got passed down since about 6000 years ago-wms admits this). YHVH is God and called everlasting Father-so no one can deny God the Father… WMS wants to emphasize the feminine side. Every religion did this, ESPECIALLY the Jews… They still do that, now more than ever… WMS, every culture almost emphasized the feminine side of God. It is not sin to explore ideas, and research them (but you need to rest, you haven’t rested since you started going to WMS). The problem was Gil forbid you from researching anything… No i wouldn’t leave WMS to turn Muslim going to a mosque-that’s maybe the only organization out there MORE oppressive than WMS… They’re way worse than the Pharisees 2000 years ago…


    Mayor and Mike

    Come on already Anon. You contradict yourself. Your comments are confused.


    Mayor and Mike

    So basically you are saying you are a wmscog member. Is that correct?



    I was wondering the same, anon. Your posts, seem very very repetitive.And their frequency and length seem more like an attempt to flood the forum with confusion. Either way, WMS is flawed in logic and scriptural understanding, so any attempts to stop the forum is futile.



    I left wmscog a long time ago and haven’t been back since. I am saying WMSCOG is not the true church but WMSCOG is the Antichrist Church. I am saying ahnsahnghong is NOT Jesus. I am saying ahnsahnghong is Satan. I am also saying Joo Cheol Kim and Zahng Gil Jah are satan. I am saying Zahng Gil Jah is not Jesus’ wife. I am saying Zahng Gil Jah is the anti Christ, satan. I am saying Zahng Gil Jah is not God. I am saying Zahng Gil Jah and Joo Cheol Kim are the Antichrist. I have said this view dozens of times now. I am saying ahnsahnghong is a false prophet and a liar. I am saying Zahng Gil Jah is a liar, a false prophet and an incredibly mean arrogant merciless person. I believe WMSCOG is the ANTICHRIST church on earth. I am saying Joo Cheol Kim is apollyon (that’s another name for satan). Ahnsahnghong was nice, but he was Satan- he shined a little light so he could be called Lucifer. Zahng Gil Jah is not just merciless and mean like satan. Zahng Gil Jah IS Satan!! Zahng Gil Jah is not God. ZAHNG GIL JAH IS SATAN! That’s what I’m saying!



    I don’t want to stop this forum-this forum saved my life and got me OUT of WMS! WMSCOG is the ANTICHRIST church. Sahng Gil and Joo are SATAN! Ahnsahnghong and Zahng Gil Jah are not God. Ahnsahnghong and Zahng Gil Jah are SATAN! I have said this-even on this very post i said it.



    I’m saying Zahng Gil Jah is Satan. The members don’t know what Sahng really wrote because they’re not allowed to read it (they have the right to know to make an informed decision). I quoted Sahng. I told you ahnsahnghong Zahng Gil Jah and Joo Cheol Kim are satan, Antichrists, SO DON’T LISTEN TO THEM! I told you information about world religions which people aren’t familiar with. I told you WMSCOG is the ANTICHRIST church on earth, SO STAY AWAY FROM WMSCOG. I do not go to WMSCOG. I left wms a long time ago and would never go back. I do not believe Zahng Gil Jah is God. I BELIEVE ZAHNG GIL JAH IS SATAN!



    Ahnsahnghong was Lucifer-but he was still a nice person. Joo Cheol Kim is Apollyon. (Apollyon just preaches the opposite things than Jesus. Apollyon is called Satan in the Bible, and is Satan. But Joo doesn’t have people worship him that i know of at least. Joo just thinks he’s the #1 prophet when Joo is actually the #1 DECEIVER on the planet. Joo is just arrogant). However Zahng Gil Jah has people worship her, AND ZAHNG GIL JAH IS NOT GOD!! Zahng Gil Jah is the literal Satan. WMS members believe ahnsahnghong and Zahng Gil Jah are God. I am adamantly saying ahnsahnghong and Zahng Gil Jah are not God. I am adamantly saying ahnsahnghong and Zahng Gil Jah are satan. WMS members say ahnsahnghong is Jesus. I am saying ahnsahnghong is NOT Jesus.



    @the forum administrator. I obviously don’t endorse WMSCOG teachings. I think ahnsahnghong Zahng Gil Jah and Joo Cheol Kim are all 3 false prophets and liars. I wrote the title of this post meaning “ahnsahnghong himself even said Jesus’ wife is not Mother.” I put quotations indicating i was quoting ahnsahnghong who said “Jesus’ wife is not Mother,” from the veil book. I think the title is not clear that the point is just “sahng even said Jesus’ wife is not Mother,” (so don’t go to WMS, even their own founder didn’t believe in WMS teachings). Site administrator, could you change the title to say: AHNSAHNGHONG WROTE THAT “Jesus’ wife is not Mother” forbidden text and why




    I would appreciate it as it would show I’m just emphasising “even sahng didn’t believe WMS teachings.” Thank you, and i want WMS members out of WMS. I thought “if they knew even ahnsahnghong didn’t believe what Wms teaches, then how can they stay there?”


    I read this forum for over a year before leaving Wms, and this forum helped me get out of wms (at least now i have some life, some rest time, some time to myself, where as in Wms i had none of those things). I feel i lost my entire young adulthood to wms. I had no time to make friends none the less time to hang out with anyone while in Wms, but was kept busy being told “a good young adult comes to Zion every day at wms.” I’m not mad that i lost the best years of my life at wms. I learned not to let anyone scam me out of the money i worked for. By that i can be a successful adult. I’m not mad that i had no time to have fun while in wms for years, being told to “work for the gospel” every day-preaching meetings that took hours out of the day, when i already had to go to college and work. I’m not mad that work all day Saturdays left me with no time to rest because i had to work the other days of the week to survive. I already didn’t get to have a normal childhood or teenagehood… So who cares if some cult stole the rest of the years from me. People always stole my money and valuable possessions from me-so who cares if i FEEL an organization calling themselves a church stole all my savings from me. Who cares that i already had severe health problems before going to WMS, and during the years at WMS those health problems intensified… Now, out of WMS I’m better, and feel better. Now I’m just so tired. So physically tired after years of a controlling environment with people calling themselves prophets telling you to “work more, do more,” always threatening you with hell… I’m glad i accidentally got tricked by WMS, because now i can help people get out of WMS. (And i understand them-how they trusted Gil. How they wrote letters to her. How they couldn’t understand how WMS leaders were so mean. How WMS leaders always criticized them… They made me feel bad. I understand what it feels like to work so hard, try so hard, day in and day out, and all you get is criticism. And not just criticism. You’re compared to other members and leaders are “prophets,” -they cannot be spoken against. “How dare you argue with a deaconess,” when you’re only trying to help. It’s never the leaders faults-it’s always yourself. The leaders might say they themselves can know they are going to heaven, but you are just chaff. Work and try all you want-it’s never enough for Gil to say she’ll let you into Heaven. Just “if you don’t come slave” you’ll definitely go to hell, and no matter how hard you slave, you can’t know you’re going to heaven-you just have to hope you’re not the worthless chaff who falls away, like so many others who fall away around you. “They must have sinned, but they seemed to have great faith.” “Even pastors fall away, and they had the greatest faith of all.” Then you LEAVE WMS, start to heal, and realize leaving WMS was the greatest decision you ever made. You realize Zahng Gil Jah is not love or mercy. You realize Zahng Gil Jah is merciless and indifferent. And you realize there IS someone who loves you, and though you’ve never seen them or heard their voice, He never stops working for your salvation. I was so unhappy in WMS. I hated life in WMS. I left wms, and though I’ve never heard God speak, or seen what He looks like-i am happy, and i feel better. I’m still too tired as it’s still hard to rest, when i didn’t rest for years. But i am about to finally go to bed tonight. I’m crying right now writing this, but i will lay my head on my pillow, and eventually fall asleep. And I’ll pray to a God who i know loves me and who i know wouldn’t let me go to hell or perish because he loves me. I don’t fear hell anymore, and that is something Wms members could never say. I’m not faking it when i say it. Wms can fake smile all they want-they’re told if they don’t smile they’ll go to hell. Go ahead and sing songs about heaven, being told if you don’t come sing them you’ll go to hell. Go ahead and fake smile because you’re afraid if you don’t Gil will send you to hell. I’ll lay my head on my pillow knowing I’m going to heaven, and you’ll lay your head on your pillow pushing the thought away that you might be the chaff that just looks like wheat who might fall away tomorrow, as Wms taught you. But you are not chaff of God-you are children of God. So I’m going to try to go to bed now, and try to rest, but at least i know God loves me and would never let me fall away. Wms tricked me into not believing in God for a few years, but when i was a teen-ager i got down on my knees praying “even if i forget you, please don’t forget me.” No there’s no church i can go to because I’m too scared of being brain washed again (or having to hear about money again or hell again). But at least i KNOW I’ll be with God forever in heaven at least. Wms as long as people fall away from Wms, you will fear you’ll be next to fall away, “sentenced to hell.” Wms those members didn’t fall away-they escaped a controlling environment. I suggest you do the same…


    Mayor and Mike

    Alright, okay. If it makes you feel better, then keep commenting. But let me suggest maybe keep all the lengthy comments in one topic.

    I wanted to ask you a very important question Anon. But I realize you are from South Korea. I was one several years ago. You have a very nice country.

    Anon, the question I was going to ask was this, Hillary or Donald?

    Also, we can help sort things out for you if you like. Just try to reduce the your word count and we’ll help you out.


    Mayor and Mike

    @ Untouchable, hillary or donald?



    I am being forced to go with Donald. I care about lives. All lives. Just count me as one of the deplorables. Obama also claimed that people like me cling to their religion and guns. Change religion for faith and he would have had it right.


    Mayor and Mike

    I like Obama. I think a business man might be good for prez. But I don’t know about that mouth piece he has. Guns are a huge problem, it takes away all peace and safety.



    What I find so interesting about anon7's posts is the stream of consciousness style of writing.  You can clearly see pathways that developed in her way of thinking that led her out of the cult.  If you read her posts carefully you can see how she worked her way out mentally.  She doesn't need your help, MikeyMayor.  She's not asking for it.  If you read this, anon7, I hope you keep posting.  And keep posting the way you have been if you wish.  Also, if you wish to, please PM me I would love to hear more about your experiences,  



    This election is a matter of asking a person, “Would you rather me chop off your foot, or hand?”. Soooo I say Hillary.



    anon7 wrote:

    I'm saying Zahng Gil Jah is Satan. The members don't know what Sahng really wrote because they're not allowed to read it (they have the right to know to make an informed decision). I quoted Sahng. I told you ahnsahnghong Zahng Gil Jah and Joo Cheol Kim are satan, Antichrists, SO DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! I told you information about world religions which people aren't familiar with. I told you WMSCOG is the ANTICHRIST church on earth, SO STAY AWAY FROM WMSCOG. I do not go to WMSCOG. I left wms a long time ago and would never go back. I do not believe Zahng Gil Jah is God. I BELIEVE ZAHNG GIL JAH IS SATAN!

      — my question to you is — could you prove the scam that WMSCOG is ..??


    Brian Taylor

    Gary Johnson

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