Here is something really interesting.

  • #68708


    He does a good job of disproving the "Mother God" salvation the wms tries to push.  He proves it with the word of the Bible and I just wish the members would look at it and believe what's in the Bible.  They say they do, but it doesn't appear so. 



    Where is the word Trinity in bible? His explanation wasn't entirely convincing.

    You can't use arguments this weak when you're arguing against a cult this adaptive.



    He picked very simple but very effective parts of the Bible to refute them.  I think the simpler the better, that is just my opinion.  He avoided being sucked in by simply referring to truths pretty much everyone knows.  You are right, Azula, this cult is adaptive and sophisticated.  But the truth isn't.  It's simple and doesn't change, so his reasoning was enough to keep him from believing their assertions.  I guess there isn't one way or one answer for everyone.  What works for some doesn't for others.  If we knew one way to warn people or convince them of the fallacies of this group, we would all be happy.  Let's keep trying and supporting others who try. 



    I thought it was a great video.  Those people don't believe in any other interpertations, but their own. Even with the evidence on here they still don't believe. For someone who has yet to be sucked into this cult will be able to put two and two together watching these videos, but others who have been in this cult much longer will have a hard time believing this.  They will have to seek the truth on their own to truely set themeselves free.  My sister tell me if I got it from online, its all a lie.  She dont want to hear a word i have to say. Its sorry.



    I have talked to all kinds of people in person and over the phone and their stories back up everything on this site.  I don't believe everything I read ont he internet either, but when my own experiences and the experiences of 50 others is identical, then I do.  Ask her if she'd like to talk to some real people.  She would have to ask her "handlers" and they would tell her no.  It isn't just the internet they are trying to keep their members from.   



    MountainMom wrote:

    I have talked to all kinds of people in person and over the phone and their stories back up everything on this site.  I don't believe everything I read ont he internet either, but when my own experiences and the experiences of 50 others is identical, then I do.  Ask her if she'd like to talk to some real people.  She would have to ask her "handlers" and they would tell her no.  It isn't just the internet they are trying to keep their members from.   

    True! We are trying, but she just goes storming out. The Lord is working and I know it. 

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