I guess that I am required reading.

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  • #7718

    Every so often I am informed by mostly ex-members that they have been shown some of my post from this website. At the time they are shown my postings they are convinced that some of the things I've said are wrong. Here's the kicker, when the members become ex-members and they are out from under the undue influence of the WMSCOG they see my post in a whole new light. The things that I have shared mostly make cense when they don't have someone telling them what they should believe. I have said it so many times, "God gave you a mind and He expects you to use it!" Seeking Godly instruction is crucial however, you must be able to verify the information without being told that you are somehow sinning or being unfaithful. This is undue influence! My pastor takes no offence when I have questions about something that he has brought to us. Most of the time he is able to show me a way to understand it better. On a rare occasion I have brought him something that he didn't realize was off the mark. We're all human after all. This is what God created us to be!

    Back to the topic: It seems that there has been one topic that keeps coming up. My post about how there can't be a god the mother. When members are trapped in the WMSCOG they are shown a post like this and asked what happens to people who reject God. The post is a proof of how there cannot be a god the mother as they would want the members to believe. What do they do with this? Change direction and ask what will happen to unbelievers. I have a strong word for this, "Pathetic!" Like I said, after a member leaves or starts to realize that things don't add up at the WMSCOG my post seems to make more cense.

    What are your thoughts about this?

  • #68083


    Back when my loved one was trapped in this group I posted a question on Facebook. The question was, "If a person or group had ultimate truth that was capable of saving everyone on the planet, why would they keep it a secret?" Shortly after I posted this online my loved one came home from Saturday services with the WMSCOG with a very cold shoulder type attitude. When I finally got her to tell me what was bugging her she said that she had seen my Facebook post. I know that WMS members are not supposed to be going online as this is partaking in the tree of knowledge as they like to put it. It was obvious to me that the leadership or her handler at the WMS had shown her my post as a way to force a bigger wedge between us. The WMSCOG doesn't want anything even mentioned that might put them in the appropriate light. I had my loved one read my post again then I asked what was wrong with the post. You know, if you're going to try and force a family appart I would think you would want to use something a lot stronger than my posted question. After a while she still couldn't come up with a good reason why my question was SOOO bad. She just didn't want me questioning anything about the WMSCOG. Obviously prompted by the higher ups in the group. Why is it that even if you don't mention any name of a person or group someone is bound to get irritated? Why do they have to get others to rally around them? Why if they are so good, loving ,and caring do they try and create strife and division? I've said it before, "Pathetic"!

    What are your thoughts on this?


    Great question Joshua!!!! I asked a similar question to my love one!

    while I was coming to some of their studies and they insisted on me getting baptized, I told them that i wanted to keep doing the studies because I wasn't still sure or clear about everything, they were becoming suspicious because I was coming to studies but i refused to get baptized to a point where i assumed they told my love one to come and asked me why I keep taking these studies and still not get baptized

    That's when i asked my love one, why can I keep taking the studies and still not get baptized,?

    She replies:

    Because there is a deeper meaning that i you would not understand, some of the studies go deeper and unless you get baptized you will not be able to keep going forward because you would not understand and you will not have the zeal of God, because the bible tell us that we need to get baptized as soon as possible.

    She also told me something like the reason they are careful about revealing their "Knowledge of God" it's because if the devil or satan know this big secret they seem to have, then satan could use that as a weapon to take people away from the truth… which I know it's BS Pathetic!!



    You know, I would keep that question coming. How is pouring a picture or a bucket of water over my head going to give me a better understanding of this? The "Knowledge of God" requires soaking my skull? Baptisum is something that BELIEVERS do out of obedience as a representation of going into death and being reborn into a new life! I don't recall Saul being drenched with water before Jesus confronted him.

    Boy, that last part, Satan doesn't know about god the mother? If she was real then she would have had a hand in his creation also. How is it even possible that Satan wouldn't know? Are they talking about when Jesus is supposed to return? This group has already failed to predict Gods return many times. Maybe that's the secret their trying to keep from Satan. How many times they've failed.



    Jesus_will_set_u_free wrote:

    Great question Joshua!!!! I asked a similar question to my love one!

    while I was coming to some of their studies and they insisted on me getting baptized, I told them that i wanted to keep doing the studies because I wasn't still sure or clear about everything, they were becoming suspicious because I was coming to studies but i refused to get baptized to a point where i assumed they told my love one to come and asked me why I keep taking these studies and still not get baptized

    That's when i asked my love one, why can I keep taking the studies and still not get baptized,?

    She replies:

    Because there is a deeper meaning that i you would not understand, some of the studies go deeper and unless you get baptized you will not be able to keep going forward because you would not understand and you will not have the zeal of God, because the bible tell us that we need to get baptized as soon as possible.

    She also told me something like the reason they are careful about revealing their "Knowledge of God" it's because if the devil or satan know this big secret they seem to have, then satan could use that as a weapon to take people away from the truth… which I know it's BS Pathetic!!

    Joshua, I never posted anything on my Facebook but I did ask that question to my X. She was never able to come up with an answer either. 

    If this group has this power of saving mankind and provide eternal life, why would this be kept in such secrecy.? Wouldn't God want to save the entire world..?"

    She answered and I quote, "not every human on this earth is a child of God, some are children of Satan." Creatively, imagine how I took that answer…

    Jesus_will_set_u_free, I went through exactly the same BS with my X when I was taking studies. I kept going because I wanted to understand what she was going through at the time. I wanted to be supportive. I wanted to take part of the activities that made her happy at the time. Looking back, I was trying to truly become part of it just because I loved her and did not want to lose her. But, there was that same issue you, Jesus_will_set_u_free, just mentioned. 

    They kept coming at me, pushing the baptism. Until the guy who used to give me the studies became so upset with me that he confronted me. We had such a one on one argument as of why I kept coming, that we even screamed at each other. That guy lost control because he couldn't get baptized and kept going to studies… Poor guy..lol



    If anyone understands Spanish, visit the following website.

    It is a sect that uses the same methods WMSCOG, founded a man who died in 2012, and his wife now calls itself "The New Jerusalem" and changed its name to the church. There is much similarity, and even use the same biblical quotations in his teachings. http://infocatolica.com/blog/apologeticamundo.php/1503010437-secta-creciendo-en-gracia-aho



    Teraflops wrote:


    If anyone understands Spanish, visit the following website.

    It is a sect that uses the same methods WMSCOG, founded a man who died in 2012, and his wife now calls itself "The New Jerusalem" and changed its name to the church. There is much similarity, and even use the same biblical quotations in his teachings. http://infocatolica.com/blog/apologeticamundo.php/1503010437-secta-creciendo-en-gracia-aho

    I just read this crap and did some research on the site and its founders.. so much B.U.L.L.S.H.I.P it's pathetic..!!! 



    I have been informed again that my post about there not being a god the mother was shown as some kind of proof that there is a god the mother. I'm glad that this group is instilling this doubt into their own members. Most people that read my post don't find fault in it they find truth. Thanks for your help WMSCOG. You're my biggest fan!



    This post is from one of your biggest fans, and no, I am not a wms member.  I am just someone who knows what kind of person you are and how far you go to help people, especially people who are caught in the wms, or people who have family members caught up in it.  Thanks so much for all your efforts. 

    Their reasoning leaves so much to be desired.  I have heard many times and witnessed how they talk in circles till their own heads spin. Lol! Their argument here against you is completely ridiculous, and is debunked over and over again on this site.  That is why their leaders want people to stop talking here.   And why we have to continue. 



    The word "reasoning" is tricky to use when referring to the thought process of people trapped in cults.  As is pointed out over and over in research done by those who study cults, the cult works by gaining a controlling influence over "reasoning" capabilities in those they capture.  That is why when you make an argument (biblically based or otherwise) that is difficult or impossible for a victim to overcome using a "reasoned" argument, they will default (as they are instructed) to changing the subject.  Usually the "subject" they change to is totally off topic and is almost always word for word a practiced response.

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