Past History and Absolute Truth.

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  • #7697

    Once again I've been doing some reading and I came across a concept that seems to make sence. Absolute Truth: How do you define this term? Our idea or definition of this will be based on the influences of our part. What do I mean? Here's an example: One person says that it's an absolute truth that we need oxygen to survive. Most people would agree that this is an absolute truth unless you're a deep sea diver. Huh? For a deep sea diver they might argue that if they used oxygen on their dives it could kill them. A deep sea diver uses other forms of gas to breath. One such gas is neon. For the average person the idea of breathing neon gas doesn't even come to mind. In this example it can be shown that the absolute truth is not so absolute. Most people have their own understanding of what the truth is in any given situation based in part by their own past. How does this relate to the WMSCOG members? Based on my past I would say it's obvious however, the absolute truths of the members of the WMSCOG is based on the things that have been taught to them. I have not met anyone yet who has come up with the idea of a god the mother based only on their study of the Bible. They have to be convinced into believing this! How does this happen in part? The WMSCOG works with most peoples idea that there is an absolute truth that everything has a Father and a Mother. We have shown time and time again that this is not an absolute truth but most people do agree with the overall concept. For those of us looking at the big picture and really believing what the Bible says and what Jesus taught, know that the whole god the mother thing doesn't work! For those believing in the man made doctrine of the WMSCOG they feel that a god the mother is an absloute truth.

    The author of the book I'm reading also went as far as to say that in the scientific community there is no such thing as "Absolute Truth". Based on their history and discoveries I understand why they feel that way. At one time it was assumed that we were the center of the universe. This absolute truth has been proven false. At one time everyone knew that the Earth was flat. Again, this absolute truth has been proven wrong.

    When we are dealing with anyone about truth one of the greatest obstacles we are going to face is that other persons past history as well as our own past history. What we believe is the truth is also effected by our past. Believe it or not, no one is truly objective in their thought processes.

  • #67966

    Good job Joshua, that’s an awesome point, In all my life I never seen not one Christian who reads the bible come up to me and say, that they realized there is such thing as a female image of God or God the mother, all people who believe this idea is because they were deceived by WMSCOG into this so called absolute truth of mother and father. So to all the people in this group, this whole idea seems to make sense, but like many other theories thru humanity that once were believed to be absolute truth then later proven wrong, I believe this false doctrine, will someday be proven wrong as well!!



    Female divinity isn’t a new concept. Not even amongst Christians wmscog is a cult but they only are successful because their concepts aren’t actually that unoriginal



    Today I visited a different church. (This is not something that the WMSCOG encourages in fact it severely discourages this practice.) While I sat back dwelling on the message about working in the mission field one part of the sermon smacked me right in the face. The pastor brought up Matthew 20:1-16. The basics of this part of Matthew is that the workers got paid the same no matter if they worked all day or only one hour. This is hard for me sometimes. I do often feel like I have done so much to further Gods kingdom that I have somehow earned a better share than someone who has just entered Gods house. That's not how it works. They get the same deal as I get. That somehow doesn't seem fair! It's in these times that God talks to me and asks me if I really think that I'm one of the workers that have worked all day. Ouch! It's true that I have spent some time doing Gods work but I'm hardly someone who has worked all of my life for Him. I might even count myself as one of the last people to do any work yet I'm getting the same reward as others who have truly done much more. Sometimes I get in the way of Gods blessings in my life. I'm glad He doesn't expect perfection.



    I like that parable in Matt. 20.  Thanks for mentioning it.

    You've reminded me… I read the wmscog's interpretation of that parable.  They said that since all the workers were paid the same, it meant that they all did equal amount of work no matter when they started, meaning that those who started late in the day had to work really hard to do the same amount of work in less time as the ones who started early in the day.

    I'd have to look it up again, but I think it came from their online sermons.  Can any former member confirm that interpretation?

    I don't think the interpretation flies, because if they had all done the same amount of work, those who started early in the day would not have been complaining.  I also think it give the wmscog an excuse to encourage their members to work harder to earn their 'wages'.



    Wow, so if we look at it another way the first workers were very lazy. When I'm at work I try to do the majority of my work early in the day so by the end of the day I'm not stressing out trying to get things done. No wonder the members of the WMSCOG are always feeling pressure to perform, the ones that started this group were too lazy in the beginning so now all of the current members are made to feel like they are the ones that are not measuring up. Once again, talk about twisted!



    This morning my pastor brought up something that reminded me of this thread.

    Filters Influence Our Thinking

    Filters include but are not limited to: Gender, Education, Past Experiences, Family of Origin, Woundedness, Successes, Personality, Work Experience, Health, Environment, …

    We all filter information the same way but we individually filter it through the things in our lives both persent and past.

    Proverbs 15:14 A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash.

    Why did I include this scripture verse? A wise person will research information while a fool will believe whatever they are told.

    Try this: Who is the Holy Spirit? The Bible tells us that Jesus (John 14:15-17) would ask the Father to send another counselor that would never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. There's more to this scripture but you need to do some research and find this out for yourself. This is good information which can be verified in other places of the Bible and therefore increases your knowledge. Who does the WMSCOG say is the Holy Spirit? Ahnsahnghong. There is nothing verifiable about this. The Bible doesn't back this claim. This is trash!

    Folks, we all need to be wise people. We will always filter information but as we research to find what's real and what is garbage we will gain knowledge.



    In 2 days it will be 30 years ago that Ahn died. I was wondering what was told to the members about Ahns death and date. Are they being told that he is dead?



    Curious1 wrote:

    In 2 days it will be 30 years ago that Ahn died. I was wondering what was told to the members about Ahns death and date. Are they being told that he is dead?

    When I asked them, I was told (rather reluctantly) that he's dead. It seems they try not to dwell on that thought. It makes them uncomfortable for some reason. I wonder why 🙂

    So yes, the members know he's dead, but they say he wasn't supposed to resurrect in the first place. There is no prophecy in the Bible where AhnSangHong is said to come back from the dead. Which is technically right.

    According to them he only came to restore the passover, everything else is not so important.



    Very true they get uncomfortable about certain questions pertaining to his early life, his marriage and his death. I was told two stories , one was that he will return once we stop sinning and hurting him and Mother. The other story was he was here only to prove he was Jesus when he restored passover. Also one church celebrates his “physical” birthday, while I found out other churches don’t.

    In general when leaders are presented any questions about Ahn and his past they get defensive and tell you that it shouldn’t matter.



    setufree wrote:

    Very true they get uncomfortable about certain questions pertaining to his early life, his marriage and his death. I was told two stories , one was that he will return once we stop sinning and hurting him and Mother. The other story was he was here only to prove he was Jesus when he restored passover. Also one church celebrates his "physical" birthday, while I found out other churches don't.

    In general when leaders are presented any questions about Ahn and his past they get defensive and tell you that it shouldn't matter.

     He will come back when we stop sinning? Well, that covers it for me. If Ahn is god then he's NEVER coming back! The Bible is very clear about this, even thou we don't want to sin we still do it. Gods inspired word tells us that we still sin even when we are trying with everything that is in us not to. We sin so therefore Ahn will NEVER come back! (Not that he could anyway.) Hey, didn't mother pray to father to give her more time to find more lost children? Why would she do this when Ahn can never come back? Contradiction I think! This comes as no shock to those of us that seek the truth. I'm going to use this word again, "Pathetic"! No one over at the WMSCOG has a straight answer. That's right, I said NO ONE! Ahns death shouldn't matter? Well it doesn't because Ahn was not Jesus in any way, shape, or form. Jesus will NEVER die again! Setufree, I'm glad you're out and on our side.

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