How The WMSCOG Turned My Life Upside Down Part 2 – The Creeping Time Commitment – A Former Member’s Story

In part one, of our five part series we learned how our correspondent from New Jersey was recruited into the World Mission Society Church of God.  Now, read part two below to learn how her time commitment and involvement was slowly encouraged to increase…

After being a member for about two weeks, I invited my boyfriend of about one year to come to the church for a Bible study.  Things were rocky between us at the time and I thought that going to church together and learning more about God might help.  He seemed a little reluctant at first, but he agreed.  I was allowed to be present during my boyfriend’s first study with a WMSCOG Deacon.  He also opted to be baptized immediately after his first study about the Sabbath.

Soon after we began attending Tuesday and Saturday services and occasionally visiting during the week for a study.  After all, we had a list of about twelve basic studies to complete.  We would study separately from now on.  I noticed that married couples and families did not study together unless there was a longer study being offered on a Sunday afternoon.  Even during these 6 hour long studies, women and men sat separately.  I remember finding it strange that women and men were seated on opposite sides of the sanctuary during worship times as well.  I was told that the seating arrangement was to prevent gossip, distractions, and men looking at women with a romantic interest or vice versa.  One of the members said, “this way we only focus on God”.  It didn’t take long for the seating arrangement to seem normal.  During one of the services I attended, I remember the pastor mentioning how outsiders find this seating arrangement weird.  Then he shouted “but brothers and sisters, we don’t find Zion customs weird right?”  This was followed by everyone shouting “Amen!”

For about two months we only attended one of the three services held on Saturdays.  I remember being surprised to find out that most members spent their entire Saturday, from about 9 am to 10 pm, in the church attending services and in between, studying the Bible, watching videos (usually about Zhang Gil Jah or disasters), or reading books written by Ahnsahnghong and others.  I remember asking someone there why it was necessary to spend all of Saturday in the church.  The “older sister” replied that “God commanded the Sabbath day not the Sabbath hour or one Sabbath service”.  This topic would be touched upon during services as well.  I remember one of the missionaries mentioning that members of strong faith don’t question the amount of time you are supposed to spend in the church on the Sabbath.  I started to view these subliminal messages during services as ways to suggest feelings of guilt among members.  I decided to keep my concerns about this to myself.  It didn’t take long for the pressure to build, so we started attending two services on Saturdays.

Shortly after, I began receiving text messages on Fridays or Saturdays from the “older sister” assigned to watch over me, asking what time I would be there for service.  My boyfriend would receive the same from one of the “older brothers” assigned to watch over his progress.  This “buddy system” that I observed seemed increasingly odd as the frequency of the text messages increased to every day.  I remember being at work and getting a text message that read something like “GBU sister, when do you think you will be coming to Zion to continue your Bible studies?”  Again, I felt that this was more pressure to spend more time in the church.

Two months into my membership at the WMSCOG, my boyfriend did something that really hurt our relationship.  I went to the pastor for guidance on the situation and he advised my boyfriend and I that it was not good to be together and that we should be with other people.  He suggested that if we loved one another and wanted to be together, then we should get married.  Despite how heartbroken I was, I forgave my boyfriend.  Four months later we were engaged.  Four weeks after that, we bought a foreclosed home that required a lot of construction.  So between work, the construction, and planning the wedding that would take place four months later, we really didn’t have much free time.  My now fiancé also worked part time a few nights per week.  We were both completely overwhelmed but we continued to spend as much time in the church as possible.

After a while, Saturdays were not enough.  We were pressured to return on Sundays too.  The WMSCOG holds what they call a “preaching assembly” on Sunday mornings followed by recruiting for the rest of the afternoon.  When members return, they typically spend more time in the church studying.  Those members that were not experienced enough to go out recruiting would attend an approximately 6 hour long group study.  There were also times when members would gather on Sunday evenings to watch movies that were determined by the WMSCOG to have some “spiritual” content.

And then there were the feasts during which members were required to attend services at 5 am and then again at 7:30 pm for sometimes 10 days at a time.  I tried the 5 am services but it was nearly impossible for me considering that I normally went to bed around 2 am.  So I would attend the 7:30pm services despite being exhausted after a long day at work.

During the first year of my membership at the WMSCOG, my family was quite concerned with the amount of time that I was spending at the church.  I tried numerous times to get my family to join the church with me to no avail.  I was initially disturbed by their resistance because I really believed in the WMSCOG’s claim that one could not be saved without their many requirements (Sabbath, Passover, other feasts, etc.).  I was told by my “older sisters” not to worry and that God will make them come if I provide a good example for them to follow.  I soon found myself feeling pressured to choose between the WMSCOG and my family.  I remember telling my sister that I could not attend my nephew’s birthday party because it was on a Saturday.  I dropped off a gift and went on my way to the church for the rest of the day.  I regret this now.  But this would only be the beginning of conflicts with my family due to my involvement with the WMSCOG.

The creeping time commitment is a big concern we hear from others who have loved ones in the WMSCOG.  In part 3, we’ll learn of the astonishing Biblical contradiction and the surrounding events that led to our correspondent’s dramatic exit.


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  1. Diane says

    I noticed that this organization has many contradictions of the bible. I recently broke up with my boyfriend, who I love dearly because of this church. He had only been attending for 3 weeks and is already so heavily involved in the bible studies and worship service. The doctrine that he is being taught, does not line up to my Christian beliefs. We had plans to attend an event on a Saturday next month and he cancelled on me because he said he would be in church all day. So, I asked him does that mean he will never make himself available to me on Saturdays and he told me he’s sorry, but he is not able to make plans on Saturdays. That really hurt my feelings. It’s like he’s being brain washed. Just because a member shows him scriptures in the bible and explain it in his interpretation of what it means, he believes it. I know many of you are former members of the church. What can I do to help him to understand the real truth? I do want him back, but not as long as we have different spiritual beliefs.

    1. admin says

      Hi Diane,

      Thank you for your comment. I am very sorry to hear of the situation between you and your boyfriend. I am also very sorry to hear about him getting so heavily involved in the WMSCOG. I imagine you have probably already seen him progressing along the 20 steps of indoctrination. The best thing I can offer you besides the articles in our Evidence section is to join the Former Members World Mission Society Church of God Facebook group where you can speak with other people in similar situations. They will be able to best help you navigate the back-and-forths you will experience as you move forward in trying to get your boyfriend to follow Jesus Christ.

      1. Diane says

        Today I sent my guy encouraging scriptures because he is going through a difficult time financially. He told me to stop sending him things on religion. I was a bit shocked by his comment since we are both Christians. Now, since he attended bible study with me at my church this past week, he is telling me I frown upon his religion and will not attend a bible study with him. It’s interesting how he calls it his religion if we both supposedly study Christianity. Even though I broke it off with him recently, we got back together. Religious differences is seriously a deal breaker for me, regardless of how much I care for him. Should I attend one of these bible studies since he came to mine? I honestly don’t want to go and I don’t know how much longer we’ll be together. He even challenged me about not following the Sabbath and the fact that I attend church on Sundays. I feel sick in my stomach just thinking about sitting through hours of the teaching at his church.

  2. MountainMom says

    Diane, I am so sorry this church has control over your boyfriend. Educate yourself all you can on this group, keep contact with him, and hopefully, you will be able to get him to look at some information eventually. People do get discouraged, people do open their eyes to their manipulation. There is hope. My son has been in three years, but he did make what I consider a huge admission to my husband yesterday. He actually confirmed that some people in the church are not happy. He would never admit that before, and I know that they always have to put on the fake “happy face” no matter what while they are there. My son definitely isn’t happy. Hang in there with your boyfriend. There are success stories.

  3. Diane says

    Thanks for the feedback. I will continue to try to shed some light in his life and be a positive example of how to live a Christ led life. Maybe then he will see my happiness & prosperity and come to church with me more. It’s hopeful thinking. I just don’t want to leave him in darkness.

  4. lucitania says

    no es un comentario es una realidad hace un año precisamente en junio 2011 mi hijo que se encuentra en España fue abordado por una hermana que le hablo justamente de la Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial y se bautizo en menos de una hora ,me llamo para decirme que se había bautizado y que no me molestara y le conteste que si esa era su decisión yo no podía hacer nada ni decir nada , en Junio del 2011 renuncio a su trabajo por ir a ver en persona a Dios Madre Jerusalen, en Corea, pero le han hecho tal lavado de cerebro los hermanos que están a su alrededor que el no se da cuenta de nada, mañana tarde y noche tiene que estar en la iglesia los hermanos que son mayores que mi hijo han hecho de él un muñeco de trapo que lo dominan a su antojo ,lo envían hacer cualquier trabajo y el lo hace sin chistar dice que es la decisión de madre, no quiso estudiar y aún no consigue un trabajo por que supuestamente para el, Dios Madre tiene una misión especial que yo no se cual sera , la verdad de todo ha pasado ya un año y el no consigue trabajo no quiere estudiar y el fue con esa finalidad ya que tiene 24 años , esta separado de la familia y sobre todo de su hermano de sangre que vive allá también , comenzó el a hablarme de la iglesia y un día decidimos mi hija y yo bautizarnos pero con el pacto de que el estudiara y procurara encontrar nuevamente trabajo , porque mi preocupación era que no tuviera sus alimentos y mas que eso que no tuviera donde cobijarse sobre todo en un país extraño donde nadie que a uno no le conozca da la mano , el pacto que hicimos se le olvido y me dijo que lo que el quería hacer era viajar por todo el mundo predicando y decir que el mundo se va a acabar y que teníamos que creer que esta era la iglesia verdadera, y yo le dije y el pacto que hicimos de que tendrías que estudiar y buscar un trabajo me dijo que como el mundo ya se iba a acabar había que salvar nuestra alma para Dios Ahnsahnghong.y Madre Celestial, pasaron unos meses y comencé a visitar la iglesia con mi hija me preocupe que teníamos que entrar descalzas a la iglesia y que los hombre y las mujeres se tenían que sentar separados dos hileras de bancas para mujeres y dos hileras de bancas para hombres, a mi casa venían las hermanas para que podamos comprender la biblia y supuesta mente a querer hacernos un lavado de cerebro a mi hija y a mi pero esto no paso por que yo comencé a hacerles preguntas del porque de tener que entrar a la iglesia descalzas y tener que sentarnos separados de los hermanos y una hermana me dijo que si no sentábamos juntos podían haber insinuaciones de los hermanos a las hermanas y por ultimo me dijo una cosa garrafal que podíamos salir embarazadas yo me reí y le dije hermana no sea escasa de mente como se le ocurre decir eso y me dijo un montón de tonterías que en lugar de acercarme a la iglesia hacia que yo me alejara mas y mas , mi hija se retiro por la mentira de su hermano de que iba a estudiar y trabajar a la vez. yo continuo asistiendo porque tengo que descubrir algo como ya lo he notado para hacerle abrir los ojos a mi hijo ,porque en realidad tengo pena por mi hijo que es joven y que su mente se la han idiotizado por completo , les cuento me llamo para decirme que le habían encomendado la tarea de construir el templo con otros hermanos y yo le dije que el mundo no se va a acabar mañana para que quieren construir otro templo y el me dijo que Madre les había encomendado esa labor, termino de construir el templo y le pregunte cuando comienzas a trabajar es que el trabajo que el desea es un trabajo donde no tenga que asistir el sábado porque el quiere estar todo el día en la iglesia. Lo único que se es que nadie ha querido darme la dirección de la iglesia de Dios en Madrid porque me gustaría enviarle una carta al Pastor que esta allá porque yo por mi cuenta le enviado una nota a Dios Madre diciéndole que abogue por mi hijo para que este consiga un trabajo o estudie una carrera corta para que se pueda defender en la vida pero lo que si tengo claro es que Madre esta tan ocupada en todo lo que ella preside que no tiene tiempo para escuchar suplicas y también le pongo que tengo pena de no saber el coreano para que ella me pueda entenderme, aunque usted siendo Madre debería saber todos los idiomas ya que estoy preocupada por mi hijo y que necesito que este pronto vea las cosas claras para que consiga un trabajo. le comente esto a una Diaconisa y a otra hermana y me dijeron que estaba blasfemando contra Madre. lo único que se es que si entre en esta iglesia fue porque mi hijo me prometió que iba a trabajar y estudiar al no cumplir el la promesa hizo que todo en mi acerca de esta iglesia se derrumbara y que no tuviera la fe suficiente para seguir asistiendo ,ademas son las ideas , las costumbres y las tradiciones mas coreanas que latinas las que prevalecen en esta iglesia, como para pertenecer a los 144,000 que van a ascender al cielo tiene que recolectar a 10 personas para que puedan subir al reino de los cielos,si no llevan a 10 talentos no has cumplido con tu misión para poder ascender al reino de los cielos , estar a tiempo completo en la iglesia y olvidarse que muchos tienen obligaciones que cumplir en esta tierra , hacer la separación de hermanos y hermanas a la hora del culto o del día de reposo o hasta en los estudios bíblicos como si el hecho de estar juntos tanto hombres como mujeres fuera un pecado o algo abominable, a las Diaconisas las toman como sus obreras tienen que cuidar a los hijos de las otras hermanas mientras ellas escuchan la misa , o preparar alimentos para los zánganos que no pueden ir a su casa a almorzar ,desayunar porque en la iglesia tienen todo esto para seguir adoctrinando o envolviéndolos en una telaraña mas grande de la que no puedan zafarse . Lo único que espero es que antes de que mi hijo se envejezca y tal vez lo voten porque ya no tenga fuerza para conseguir mas talentos para Madre se de cuenta a tiempo si hay alguien que me pueda ayudar a convencerlo de que si existe un Dios pero que este Dios si nos ha puesto en este mundo es para crecer espiritual y personal, tener una familia hijos que saquemos adelante.

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